Families are keeping money by adding a chicken house near
their house. Aside from providing fresh eggs and poultry,
it will also economize on some food expenses. If you are
into saving money this way, making a chicken house is very
essential. You will need to take a solid chicken house plan
to get you moving though. And the internet will provide you
numerous sources from sites dedicated to this particular
subject of chicken house planning and building.

There are a couple of tips you must acknowledge before
utilizing the plan that you possibly obtain on the net.
First, insure that the chicken house plans are easy to
follow. If looking at them online yet cannot decipher what
they are trying to teach you, move on to the next site.
Simply put that you cannot be able to have your own chicken
house with chicken house plans that do not make any sense.

You must as well make sure that the plans are providing a
complete list of materials needed for the construction. You
don't desire to be in the middle of everything simply to
find something missing. Furthermore, make a point that you
read all over the whole set of chicken house plans before
initiating the project. Thus, if there is a material that
is noted later in the plan, you will be aware of it.

When you already acquire your plans, make it sure they are
complete from the blueprint to the materials needed before
you initiate construction on your chicken house. It is
significant to do all of your planning before even
beginning the project only to ensure everything is ready to
go when you lead off construction of the house for your

Make sure your plans is just the right price, if it even
cost a thing. Since there are some web sites providing free
chicken house plans, you can take advantage of that. Never
spend more on a plan than the actual construction of the
chicken house. The reason for making a chicken house is to
save money, so go ahead get a cheap or free plan.

It is surprising how many households are returning to the
simple way of living. Some households are going back to the
basic methods in order to save money. The way of raising
chickens to produce our own foods is really a proven way to
save money. Like vegetable gardening, raising chickens is
even among the ways popular with most people not only
trying to produce their own food but also getting rid of
spending the intimidating price from grocery stores.

Check out http://www.mychickenhouseplans.org for
information on how to learn more about Building a Chicken
Coop and more related information.

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Does your dog exhibit repetitive and quirky behaviour such
as chasing it's tail, biting the air, or licking parts of
it's body constantly? If the answer is yes, then your dogs
behaviour may be a result of an anxiety condition known as
Canine Compulsive Disorder. This article looks at the
condition known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in
relation to dogs, how to detect it and, how best to help
your dog overcome this potentially debilitating behaviour.

It is estimated that around 2% of the American dog
population are living with Canine Compulsive Disorder. The
root cause for this condition will vary with each
individual dog, however, boredom , stress and anxiety are
the usual factors associated with OCD. Dogs that have
developed phobias, or who experience separation anxiety for
example, can often divert their stressful feelings by
behaving in ways that can become repetitive. If left
unchecked, these repetitive behaviours can become more deep
rooted and, could eventually lead to the dog developing a
'true' obsessive compulsive condition.

Not all dogs develop OCD due to boredom or stress however,
it has been found that some breeds are more predisposed to
developing compulsive behaviours due to their genetic make
up; in fact, many researches suggest that irresponsible
breeding is a primary cause of the condition in some pure
bred dogs. Dobermans, German Shepherds, Dalmations, and
some Bull Terrier breeds are a few examples. Obsessive
behaviours which seem to be common within each of these
breeds are tail chasing or spinning in German Shepherds and
Bull Terriers, and obsessive licking in Dobermans.

Obsessive behaviours that are typical of this condition in
dogs include the following:

Spinning in circles Tail chasing Snapping at the air
Constant licking of various parts of the body Obsessively
mouthing toys Freezing Incessant or rhythmic barking Self

Not all obsessive behaviours are easy to detect for
example, a dog harmlessly chewing a toy for long peiods of
time may seem normal enough and no cause for concern,
however, the behaviour may have an underlying stress
related cause.

Treatment for this condition should begin with a thorough
examination of the dog, so as to rule out any possible
medical cause. This type of examination is best carried out
by a veternarian who specialises in diagnosing and
treating this kind of behavioural problem, if possible.
Once it has been established that OCD is the cause of the
dogs obsessive behaviour, appropriate treatment can begin.

The usual method of treatment involves combining drug and
behavioural therapy. The types of drugs used to treat
Canine Compulsive Disorder, are similar to those used in
the treatment of OCD in humans. Behavioural therapies
include reward based training used to reinforce more
desirable behaviours, desensitisation techniques designed
to gradually decrease the the dogs state of arousal in
stressful situations, and techniques that involve creating
an alternative and stimulating routine for the dog to

As with all behavioural problems it is important to treat
causes rather than symptoms, therefore, understanding and
patience will be called for, as you learn more about your
pets problem and it's cause. It is important to understand
that punishment is not only an inappropriate way to deal
with a dog who has little or no control over it's
behaviour, moreover, punishment in many cases will have the
effect of making the problem worse.

I have had a keen interest in canine behaviour and training
since the late 1980's. I have studied successfully for
several qualifications relating to canine psychology, care
and behaviour, up to degree level. I now live in France
with my French Bulldog Hilton. Please visit my blog for
more free information. http://www.toptrainingtips.com

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Chicken coop predators can be a headache for those raising
chickens. 3 members of the dog family make it to list of
the top chicken coop predators. Make it a point to know
what dog predators you have in your community. From here,
you can set up a plan which includes the appropriate
measures for dealing with these animals. Here are the top
three dogs that are chicken coop predators:


As member of the dog family, coyotes are one of the most
notorious chicken coop predators and are most active
hunting for food at night time. Lately however, coyotes
have already adapted to the presence of people and have
become active even during day time especially during cooler
months. Coyotes usually prey on chickens, geese, ducks, and
other fowls. Shooting these predators can be a futile way
of preventing them from attacking back. Make sure that you
provide a trap or keep the coop coyote-proof.


Foxes are the next dog family member that is a known
predator to poultry birds. They can be highly skilled
hunters and primarily nocturnal. Like coyotes, they have
also learned recently to hunt during daylight hours. They
are very sneaky and intelligent. Foxes normally attack at
least 2 hours after sunset or 2 hours just before sunrise.
Furthermore, they carry the livestock far away for the
owner not to trace it.

Domestic Dogs

The neighborhood dogs are one of obvious predators proven
to be very destructive to your livestock. Even your own dog
can be potentially a predator if not controlled. Train your
very own pet dog not to harm your chickens.

Effective Solutions

One effective solution to deter these predators is to keep
the chickens locked in the coop. The coop should be made of
solid wood as well if you want to keep the predators
outside. Predators, however, can get tricky and can dig
into the ground so make sure that the chicken wire fencing
is also planted into the ground. Moreover, ensure that
there are no holes where these predators can get in. These
animals can enter the chicken house through the small holes
and will definitely prey on your pets once they get through
into the coop.

In planning your chicken coop, make sure you have the right
strategies to avoid these predators getting at your
chickens especially the chicks. Know them well and your
best bet is to prevent them from entering the coop by
making that chicken house predator-proof.

Check out http://www.mychickenhouseplans.org for
information on how to learn more about Building a Chicken
Coop and more related information.

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