Families are keeping money by adding a chicken house near
their house. Aside from providing fresh eggs and poultry,
it will also economize on some food expenses. If you are
into saving money this way, making a chicken house is very
essential. You will need to take a solid chicken house plan
to get you moving though. And the internet will provide you
numerous sources from sites dedicated to this particular
subject of chicken house planning and building.

There are a couple of tips you must acknowledge before
utilizing the plan that you possibly obtain on the net.
First, insure that the chicken house plans are easy to
follow. If looking at them online yet cannot decipher what
they are trying to teach you, move on to the next site.
Simply put that you cannot be able to have your own chicken
house with chicken house plans that do not make any sense.

You must as well make sure that the plans are providing a
complete list of materials needed for the construction. You
don't desire to be in the middle of everything simply to
find something missing. Furthermore, make a point that you
read all over the whole set of chicken house plans before
initiating the project. Thus, if there is a material that
is noted later in the plan, you will be aware of it.

When you already acquire your plans, make it sure they are
complete from the blueprint to the materials needed before
you initiate construction on your chicken house. It is
significant to do all of your planning before even
beginning the project only to ensure everything is ready to
go when you lead off construction of the house for your

Make sure your plans is just the right price, if it even
cost a thing. Since there are some web sites providing free
chicken house plans, you can take advantage of that. Never
spend more on a plan than the actual construction of the
chicken house. The reason for making a chicken house is to
save money, so go ahead get a cheap or free plan.

It is surprising how many households are returning to the
simple way of living. Some households are going back to the
basic methods in order to save money. The way of raising
chickens to produce our own foods is really a proven way to
save money. Like vegetable gardening, raising chickens is
even among the ways popular with most people not only
trying to produce their own food but also getting rid of
spending the intimidating price from grocery stores.

Check out http://www.mychickenhouseplans.org for
information on how to learn more about Building a Chicken
Coop and more related information.

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Does your dog exhibit repetitive and quirky behaviour such
as chasing it's tail, biting the air, or licking parts of
it's body constantly? If the answer is yes, then your dogs
behaviour may be a result of an anxiety condition known as
Canine Compulsive Disorder. This article looks at the
condition known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in
relation to dogs, how to detect it and, how best to help
your dog overcome this potentially debilitating behaviour.

It is estimated that around 2% of the American dog
population are living with Canine Compulsive Disorder. The
root cause for this condition will vary with each
individual dog, however, boredom , stress and anxiety are
the usual factors associated with OCD. Dogs that have
developed phobias, or who experience separation anxiety for
example, can often divert their stressful feelings by
behaving in ways that can become repetitive. If left
unchecked, these repetitive behaviours can become more deep
rooted and, could eventually lead to the dog developing a
'true' obsessive compulsive condition.

Not all dogs develop OCD due to boredom or stress however,
it has been found that some breeds are more predisposed to
developing compulsive behaviours due to their genetic make
up; in fact, many researches suggest that irresponsible
breeding is a primary cause of the condition in some pure
bred dogs. Dobermans, German Shepherds, Dalmations, and
some Bull Terrier breeds are a few examples. Obsessive
behaviours which seem to be common within each of these
breeds are tail chasing or spinning in German Shepherds and
Bull Terriers, and obsessive licking in Dobermans.

Obsessive behaviours that are typical of this condition in
dogs include the following:

Spinning in circles Tail chasing Snapping at the air
Constant licking of various parts of the body Obsessively
mouthing toys Freezing Incessant or rhythmic barking Self

Not all obsessive behaviours are easy to detect for
example, a dog harmlessly chewing a toy for long peiods of
time may seem normal enough and no cause for concern,
however, the behaviour may have an underlying stress
related cause.

Treatment for this condition should begin with a thorough
examination of the dog, so as to rule out any possible
medical cause. This type of examination is best carried out
by a veternarian who specialises in diagnosing and
treating this kind of behavioural problem, if possible.
Once it has been established that OCD is the cause of the
dogs obsessive behaviour, appropriate treatment can begin.

The usual method of treatment involves combining drug and
behavioural therapy. The types of drugs used to treat
Canine Compulsive Disorder, are similar to those used in
the treatment of OCD in humans. Behavioural therapies
include reward based training used to reinforce more
desirable behaviours, desensitisation techniques designed
to gradually decrease the the dogs state of arousal in
stressful situations, and techniques that involve creating
an alternative and stimulating routine for the dog to

As with all behavioural problems it is important to treat
causes rather than symptoms, therefore, understanding and
patience will be called for, as you learn more about your
pets problem and it's cause. It is important to understand
that punishment is not only an inappropriate way to deal
with a dog who has little or no control over it's
behaviour, moreover, punishment in many cases will have the
effect of making the problem worse.

I have had a keen interest in canine behaviour and training
since the late 1980's. I have studied successfully for
several qualifications relating to canine psychology, care
and behaviour, up to degree level. I now live in France
with my French Bulldog Hilton. Please visit my blog for
more free information. http://www.toptrainingtips.com

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Chicken coop predators can be a headache for those raising
chickens. 3 members of the dog family make it to list of
the top chicken coop predators. Make it a point to know
what dog predators you have in your community. From here,
you can set up a plan which includes the appropriate
measures for dealing with these animals. Here are the top
three dogs that are chicken coop predators:


As member of the dog family, coyotes are one of the most
notorious chicken coop predators and are most active
hunting for food at night time. Lately however, coyotes
have already adapted to the presence of people and have
become active even during day time especially during cooler
months. Coyotes usually prey on chickens, geese, ducks, and
other fowls. Shooting these predators can be a futile way
of preventing them from attacking back. Make sure that you
provide a trap or keep the coop coyote-proof.


Foxes are the next dog family member that is a known
predator to poultry birds. They can be highly skilled
hunters and primarily nocturnal. Like coyotes, they have
also learned recently to hunt during daylight hours. They
are very sneaky and intelligent. Foxes normally attack at
least 2 hours after sunset or 2 hours just before sunrise.
Furthermore, they carry the livestock far away for the
owner not to trace it.

Domestic Dogs

The neighborhood dogs are one of obvious predators proven
to be very destructive to your livestock. Even your own dog
can be potentially a predator if not controlled. Train your
very own pet dog not to harm your chickens.

Effective Solutions

One effective solution to deter these predators is to keep
the chickens locked in the coop. The coop should be made of
solid wood as well if you want to keep the predators
outside. Predators, however, can get tricky and can dig
into the ground so make sure that the chicken wire fencing
is also planted into the ground. Moreover, ensure that
there are no holes where these predators can get in. These
animals can enter the chicken house through the small holes
and will definitely prey on your pets once they get through
into the coop.

In planning your chicken coop, make sure you have the right
strategies to avoid these predators getting at your
chickens especially the chicks. Know them well and your
best bet is to prevent them from entering the coop by
making that chicken house predator-proof.

Check out http://www.mychickenhouseplans.org for
information on how to learn more about Building a Chicken
Coop and more related information.

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Having a chicken coop nesting box design is one of the best
investments that one could make. It is specifically for
people who want to keep chickens as pets. But it can be
costly or time consuming otherwise if you do it with a
wrong plan at first. Save your time and headaches from
costly mistakes with the right design.

Making the right chicken coop nesting box plays an
important part on raising chickens. It helps the owner to
have an organized system to collect or to determine the
freshness of an egg. Without any chicken coop nesting box,
a chicken will literally lay an egg all over the place
making it hard for any person to find an egg and to know
its freshness. Plus, the chicken's themselves also need it
anyway, thus making it a basic necessity.

Those nesting box is like a safe haven for them. It
provides them with a feeling of privacy, comfort and
safety. It also gives them a shelter at night, a shade from
the sun during daytime, warmth during winter, and keeps
them dry during rainy days.

You need to put in mind some important designs on you're
chicken nesting boxes. But anything can be added as long as
it is necessary, practical, or sensible. The more it is
closer to their natural environment then the better it is.
The box itself is usually made of wood board, plywood, or
metal, and each of them is about one feet cube in size. It
should be big enough to be easily cleanable and small
enough for the chickens to be comfortable.

The design must also have an opening in front for the
chickens to enter, with a slight incline to stop the eggs
from rolling out. These nesting boxes are usually slack 2
or 3 rows on top of each other and are kept on one area.
This is to make the chickens get used to lay their eggs on
a specified place and to have a wider space for them to
roam. Some layer of wood shavings, straw, or shredded paper
are added for the chickens to be comfortable.

People usually made their chicken coop nesting box
rooftop's sloping to a certain angle, just enough to
prevent the hens from perching on top of it. Some even have
a triangular shape chicken coop for the same purpose.
Usually, a roost bar or a ladder is also added in the
nesting box design for the chickens to have an easy access
to the nesting boxes and to perch. And be sure that you
have also installed adequate ventilation for the chickens.

Adding some windows to your chicken coop will help your
birds to stay healthy. Remember that you don't need to
spend big money to build a decent chicken coop nesting box.
Just add what is convenient and practical.

Check out http://www.mychickenhouseplans.org for
information on how to learn more about Building a Chicken
Coop and more related information.

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If you wish to raise chickens for eggs and poultry, you
should have a checklist of the final details of your
chicken coop construction plans just before commencing the
construction proper. While still on the planning part,
acknowledge the following list of details before you set
out to build that coop.

First in the list are the dimensions. You want to
understand how many chickens you project to support in the
coop so you can estimate the final dimensions of your
chicken house. With these plans, recognizing the dimensions
of the coop is very critical. It is always imperative to
provide the chickens with enough space to go around and
roost. Enough space means the sufficient for them to roam
around the coop without being jam-packed. You will also
need to appropriate a large space for your chicken run.
The next thing on the list is the location. You should
understand when coming up with your chicken coop that the
position can mean the difference in how you actually make
it. If it is going to be visible to your neighborhood, the
exterior of the coop must be a consideration. You want to
make it a point that it is pleasing to the eyes. This will
not make your coop such a neighborhood eyesore. If you are
having problems coming up with a coop construction plan,
search online and get some ideas from free chicken coop

Once you have figured out the final dimensions and the
actual area, you would then need to figure out how to
maintain the coop in the most convenient way. You will need
to ensure that you keep the coop in a clean and pristine
state all the time to prevent diseases. If you have
chickens living in it, expect them to just leave behind the
waste all over the chicken house. A good and easy manner to
clean the coop is to provide a floor that is on an angle
towards the door. This is very effective with chicken coops
since when you have the floors slanted towards the chicken
coop's door; you would be able to hose down the manure with
the aid of gravity. This makes the cleaning as easy as

You must also ensure to install special windows that can be
opened for summer and closed during winter. As a special
note, it is likewise important to add insulation when you
are in a cold climate with winters to keep your chickens
from diseases from the cold.

Check out http://www.mychickenhouseplans.org for
information on how to learn more about Building a Chicken
Coop and more related information.

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Designed Specifically for Chick House

Posted by myGPT Team | 2:35 AM | 0 comments »

If you go online and searching for chick house designs, you
might not be very fortunate. Numerous sites from the search
engines will respond if you meant to seek information for
chicken house designs. But they don?t provide information
specific to chicks? house designs. Hence, discovering the
ideal chick house designs online can be quite frustrating.

What is easier to employ is to simply take a chicken house
design and transform them into chick-specific coop meeting
the demands of your chicks. One manner to do this is to use
plans implied for small chicken houses and modify them to
turn into chick house designs. One of the requirements of
chicks is for them to be maintained totally warm and dry
while they are still young and have their down feathers
still. They will not produce their full or adult feathers
until about six to eight weeks of age.

If you are from the Pacific Northwest or areas known for
inclement weather, with a lot of rain showers during the
spring, it is really important that the chicks stay inside
the coop at all times while they do not have the full
feathers. While they have the down feathers still, they are
prone to die due to illnesses. Down feathers do not fight
off water like full feathers will.

The chick house should also provide for natural sunlight to
assist in preserving the low moisture levels inside the
coop. The chick house should also provide for a small run.
This run will be the place outside for the chicks when they
develop the full feathers already. Make sure that it is
safe from predators like your neighborhood dogs. The run
will also be a place where they can scratch for feeds

If you don't opt to clip the feathers so that the chicks
cannot fly, then you must have a top cover for the chick
run. This will prevent them from flying away. This will
likewise train the chicks not to fly far when they get more

In conclusion, these tips for chick house designs are all
important. But the most important is to make sure that you
construct the chick house in a way that it will be
convenient to clean up. This is because you must keep the
chick house clean and dry always to prevent diseases from
spreading. Making simple clean up will mostly benefit both
the chick and the person designated to clean the chick

Check out http://www.mychickenhouseplans.org for
information on how to learn more about Building a Chicken
Coop and more related information.

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Sharing your life with a deaf dog

Posted by myGPT Team | 7:24 PM | 0 comments »

Owning a dog that has no hearing can be both a rewarding
and educating experience. Owning a dog that has good
hearing and sight can often lead us into being a little
lazy, when it comes to establishing effective patterns of
communication between us and our pet. For the most part we
struggle through with a few voice commands and maybe the
occasional hand signal, that often change depending on the
situation. Fortunately, in a lot of situations our dogs
learn to navigate their way around our impromptu
communication style and, begin to 'catch on' to what it is
we want from them.

Owning a deaf dog however is a different story; many
owners of deaf dogs testify to how much their lives have
changed since their deaf dog come to live with them. They
often talk in terms of how different and, in many case
better their relationship is in terms of both communication
and depth.

Dogs experience deafness due to a number of reasons; many
dogs are born deaf. This type of deafness is referred to as
Congenital Deafness, it's cause is due to a defective gene.
Other causes of deafness in dogs are usually the result of
accidents, illness or old age.

If you are thinking of sharing your life with a deaf dog,
then understanding, patience and, a willingness to adapt
will put you in good stead. Amongst the most important
things to consider are keeping your new pet safe,
developing an appropriate means of communication, and
making your home a comfortable and, secure place for your
dog to live.

Dogs that can not hear are often touch sensitive and, can
also become startled much easier than dog who have no
problems with their hearing, for example, if somebody
approaches them from behind and touches them, or if roused
from sleep. When owning a deaf dog you will need to keep
this in mind and, adapt the ways in which you approach and,
handle your dog. This is especially important for those
with young children, as children can be boisterous at times
and, a child running up and touching a dog that can not see
him or her coming could cause the dog to become nervous or
even try to bite.

To help your deaf dog adjust, try approaching him head on,
stamping your feet as you approach your dog from behind can
also be very helpful, as the vibrations will alert him. If
you have children teach them to approach your dog calmly
and to touch him gently.

If your deaf dog is over sensitive to your touch, try to
help him by giving him a tasty food treat each time you pet
him. With practice, your dog will begin to associate your
'unexpected' touch with a feeling of pleasure.

Two more important things to consider when making your home
a safe and pleasurable place for your dog are, not to leave
doors or gates open, so as your dog can escape and be left
unattended, as this could be disastrous. If your new dog is
going to be left alone for some time during the day, you
may consider it wise to train him to spend time in a dog
crate. However, do keep in mind due to your dog not being
able to hear he may become restless, or even frightened at
being left alone in his crate. Deaf dogs can also be
particularly prone to separation anxiety, so do make sure
your dog has plenty to occupy himself with during the time
he spends alone.

The biggest dangers posed to your deaf dog will be when you
are out and about, especially if you live in a town or
city, where there is a lot of traffic. Keep your dog on his
leash, at least until you are in a place where it is safe
to manage him off leash. However, it is important to do
this only when your dog is performing a consistent recall.

Working on building a way of communication that both you
and your dog are familiar with is vitally important to
sharing your life with a deaf dog. As your dog will not be
able to hear you, only hand signals will do. In fact dogs
are well ahead of us in terms of being able to read body
language. You can use hand signals taken from sign language
designed for humans, for example, British or American sign
language, or use signs from these languages that have been
adapted especially for using with dogs, or alternatively
you can design your own signs. smiling and speaking your
commands, although the dog will not hear you, will also
help to reinforce your new hand signals, however, the key
is keep your hand signals consistent and simple, so as not
to cause your dog to become confused.

When it comes down to it owning a deaf dog is not
dissimilar to owning a dog that can hear. All is needed is
a little extra patience, understanding, love and, a little
work on your part and, you will come to develop a
relationship with your dog that is difficult to compare.

I have had a keen interest in canine behaviour and training
since the late 1980's. I have studied successfully for
several qualifications relating to canine psychology and,
animal care and behaviour, up to degree level. For free
information visit http://www.toptrainingtips.com

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Ant farms should definitely be considered when you're
thinking about pets for children. Here's why. For many
children, their first contact with animals of any sort will
be with insects. They love butterflies,of course and often
toddlers will watch a few ants on the sidewalk or take a
closer look at a ladybug that has landed on their tee
shirt. Children like insects, they are small, like the
children themselves, they have an alien sort of charm about
them and, as long as they are not bitten or stung by one at
an early age, they are quite capable of maintaining that
interest if it is nurtured properly. Ant farms provide the
perfect environment in which to watch small creatures
behaving (almost) naturally.

That is the reason that insects as a group, and ants in ant
farms especially, make the best pets for children (and
adults too if you ask me). Please note, that although I'm
calling them pets, ants in an ant farm are really not the
same thing as a house cat or dog. No cuddles, no throwing a
ball or stick to be retrieved, no snoozing in front of the
fire. The same applies, of course to reptiles and
amphibians. So we are really talking about small animals
that children can watch and learn from and also learn about
the responsibility of looking after them. And ants in an
ant farm is as small as you're likely to get.

Research suggests that people who have had to care for pets
during childhood go on to become more responsible parents
than children who have never had that experience. It's
obvious really, if you have learned, at an early age that
bad things happen when your pets are not looked after
properly, then this sort of information is going to be very
useful when dealing with small babies and children.

So what options do we have? Well, it makes sense to think
about running costs need to think about running costs. Some
of the bigger, and to my mind, more exciting insects come
from tropical climes and will need heated accommodation if
they are not to die. You may also find that some
carnivorous species, such as praying mantis, will only eat
live prey, and so feeding costs might be an issue.

For all of these, the running cost is very small, compared
to having a big dog in the house although it has to be said
that keeping insects and having a dog are two completely
different things.

Once set up, unless you have special lighting, an ant farm
costs nothing to run. It can easily be filled with ants
from your garden and the ants can be fed on a variety of
small crumbs or seeds. What could be cheaper than that? I
think you'll find, if it's small kids that you are
considering, that an ant farm will come out at the top of
the list every time.

Ants and ant farms are discussed in detail at

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A big sniff will tell us when it is time to trot out the
pet shampoo.

My research indicates the frequency of bathing a dog can be
left very nicely to your olfactory organs -- i.e. you can
smell when it is time.

You bathe him when he smells like he needs it. Consensus
among the 'experts' seems to be any where from four times a
month to six times a year and any other time when he has
been down rolling in 'the you what'.

In the absence of any other measure that works for all
instances I will suggest YOU LET YOUR NOSE DO THE WALKING

I have never come in contact with a strong, damaging dog
shampoo. There may be some on the market. If you have
personal experience and a product name that you can send me
I'd love to hear it.

If you are using a commercial dog shampoo, let's assume the
shampoo is okay. I know of no correlation between the
strength of the shampoo and how ofter we need to bath the

There are some shampoos on the market which do not require
water. and I will someday devote some time to testing them
and will report back you on the results. A dry shampoo
would be 'hands down' easier to apply to a dog than a
standard bath.

If you smoke you will have to make adjustments because your
sense of smell may not be as acute as someone who does not.

This does not apply to my wife. She quit smoking but she
amazes me because even though she just quit she smells
better than I do.

Now we both know that didn't come out right.

When she was a smoker her sense of smell was better than
mine and I haven't smoked in thirty five years.

Some time ago my wife instituted a routine of wiping their
little rumps off with a non-scented wipe each time our
mutts pooped. So at our present rate of concern about the
dog's bathing there should not be a problem with either
odor or debris.

More frequent bathing will undoubtedly result in an
extended time between bathing.

Dogs don't have to be wet to smell unpleasant. In our case
both of our Schnauzers are able methane producers and it is
the smelly kind.

Our pups have never smelled of feces, partly because we
attempt to wipe their south end off each time they

However their flatulence equals that of humans and I am
really surprised to smell that much offensive 'wind' coming
from such small packages. However that is the topic of
another article. I will address canine 'methane
generation'at a later date

With 3 novels on Amazon & 10 shorts on Kindle, Rus Morgan
brings a writer's perspective 2 raising 2 miniature
schnauzers simultaneously. Order 'Dogsx2', his latest novel
& discover the 3 questions you must answer B4 you buy a
registered puppy. Get your free copy of 'Truthful Teddy',
and other pet bargains as they become available plus the
doggie newsletter. See U at our website at
http://www.dogsx2.com or email us at

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If you have had your pet for quite some time, expecting a
baby could bring out behaviors you have never seen your pet
exhibit. Normally an exciting time for parents, your pet
may not share your happiness about your new baby. Sometimes
pets tend to feel left out or set aside by the new baby.
They do not always understand that a new baby is something
mom and dad have been looking forward to. It is important
to help your pet accept and adjust to the changes about to
occur in their home.

Smells Are Essential

Almost all pets, dogs and cats especially, are driven by
smells. Your house smells a certain way to them, and when
someone new is brought in, they notice the new smell almost
immediately. You can ease the transition by introducing
baby smells into your home before the baby comes home. All
common baby household items such as baby powder and diapers
have scents which your pet may need to learn.

When your baby is born and you are recovering in the
hospital, ask the hospital staff if you can take one of
your baby's used receiving blankets home for your pet to
smell. If you place this near the pet's feeding dish, you
will help him associate the smell of the baby with eating,
one of his favorite activities. Do not let it become part
of the pet's bed, though, because you do not want your pet
claiming the crib or baby carrier as sleeping space as well.

Positive First Encounter

The day you bring baby home from the hospital, be sure you
greet your pet as you normally would, just without too much
excitement. Perhaps you can leave the baby in the car with
another parent while you say hi to your pet. Then, bring
the baby in and calmly introduce them. Do let your pet
smell and look at your baby, but do not let your pet jump
towards your baby or lick her face. If your pet tends to
get excited in new situations, consider having her
restrained when you have this first meeting.

Watch Carefully

You will need to watch carefully for the first several
months for any signs of aggression towards the new baby on
the part of your pet. Some pets are very concerned when
your baby cries and some pets are completely indifferent to
your newest addition. These are fine reactions, but a pet
that begins to show fear or aggression needs to be dealt
with. Your vet may have suggestions for training methods to
help ease your pet's transition. Your baby and pet should
never be left alone together because your pet could be

Once your new baby and pet have established a good
relationship, you will have wonderful opportunities to do
things like take walks as a family. Remember to be patient
with your pet since a new baby is a big change not only for
you but for your pet.

David Cummings is a devoted family member and a regular
author on parenting and family topics. He is dedicated to
helping other parents create quality time with their
families and to assist children-based organizations put a
smile on every child's face. David also manages the
Bustling Baby website => http://BustlingBaby.com

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An Introduction To Pond Care

Posted by myGPT Team | 10:11 PM | 0 comments »

There are some people who are interested in a new hobby,
these people are those who care for Ponds. With pond care
tips you are able to produce a beautiful and well cared for
pond. This introduction to pond care shows you how you can
create and maintain your own beautiful pond. You need to
learn about the right types of plants and fish to stock
your pond with as well as maintenance schedules. This
process of pond care is quite easy once you get to know
how, however you must play close attention to learning how.

The first concern you will need to address is the water and
how to get it into a pond you are building. For the most
part most pond builders may try using the different water
delivery companies to fill up their ponds and to change the
water after it has been in the water. This is the easiest
way, however it is not the most economical as these
companies are quite expensive.

You can also pump the water yourself and replace it with
clean fresh water if you have a well of your own to use, or
if you are using the city water. The most important thing
is that you change the water every two weeks, as a normal
occurrence for ponds is that their water will become dirty
and polluted. Keeping your pond clean will allow you to
experience its beauty a lot.

The next thing that should be very important to you is that
you buy and replace the filters on a regular basis when you
are doing your pond care. One thing that happens often when
a person is creating their own pond is that they forget to
ensure that the filters are clean, and changed on a regular
basis, at a rate of every week for the warmer months. You
may find that some people don't like to spray their pond
filters because they say that you need some of the good
bacteria, however it is also imperative that the water be
as clean as possible.

Next,you will also want to make sure that your fish are fed
everyday at least twice and that they get Koi flakes,
pellets and small goldfish.This ensures that you maintain
healthy fish, however you will usually not want to overfeed
or feed your fish during the winter as they can live of the
plants and the algae that is found all over the place.

You will also need to be concerned about the filtering
types, by learning of them, you will have an idea of what
is expected for your pond to run properly. Proper pond care
begins with using the three filtration types, which
includes mechanical filtration with its help in removing
the different debris that may have fallen to the bottom of
your pond. You may use your filters, brushes and vacuum

The next of the filtration types are the Biological and the
chemical filtration system, you will need to get a bioball
or a lava rock which will help with the biological system
or you can count on the chemical filtration which can be
done with the use of carbon and other type of resins will
help to clean out your pond.

If you want to get started with a pond and you are not sure
what to do first there are many different things you should
be doing but ensuring that the water is good and clean and
that you are using the right equipment. In order to get an
introduction to pond care, one can simply try to do all of
these things to maintain their pond.

Article courtesy of Buy A Pond Pump -

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Ant Farm Fun for Over 150 years

Posted by myGPT Team | 7:53 AM | 0 comments »

The modern illuminate gel ant farm bears little resemblance
to the museum pieces of the mid-Victorian gentleman
naturalists. so how did the one evolve into the other?

It's not easy to say but people seem to have begun building
ant farms in the mid nineteenth century. Until the mid
1800's, glass had been a fairly expensive commodity and
certainly not something one would 'waste' on a child's toy.
Until the development of the float glass process, most
window glass had been produced by the cylinder method,
invented by Sir Henry Bessemer in 1848. Nolten glass was
formed into big cylinders which were slit open to make a
flat (or flattish) sheet; no wonder it was expensive.

We don't have a name for the first person to layer some
sand between sheets of glass to make an ant habitat but it
was probably one of the gentleman naturalists of the
Victorian period. These were of the sons of wealthy
industrialist, who didn't want to follow their father's
footsteps and would often spend their days studying nature
or exploring. We have a lot to thank them for, as the
undoubtedly contributed much to our understanding of
nature. The first ant farms were call formicaries and were
typically beautiful examples of Victorian workmanship. They
were used for study in universities and museums.

In the mid-1950s the Pilkington company of England at last
perfected the float glass method of manufacture that flat
sheets of glass at last became available for building
purposes and to the public at large. This enabled ant farms
to be built from waste glass quite easily.

Simultaneously, a toy company based in Hollywood of all
places, Uncle Milton Industries, began to market plastic
ant habitats with great success. They gave the toy the name
of 'Ant Farm' and protected the name by registering it.
Half a century later the formicary has evolved into
hundreds of ant farm models of many different types and
sizes. Even NASA has got in on the act by developing an ant
farm where the burrowing medium is not sand but a
transparent nutrient gel. These are now widely available
too. From the early formicaria of the gentleman naturalists
to the space-age gel versions of today, the ant farm is as
popular now as it ever was and the amazing activities of
ants still hold us in thrall just as they did all those
years ago.

Discover for yourself the fun you and your kids can have
with an ant farm at http://www.antfarmcentral.com

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Labrador Retriever Breeding

Posted by myGPT Team | 5:33 PM | 0 comments »

Are you wandering if breeding Labrador retrievers is really
for you? Most Labrador dog owners will, at some point,
consider breeding their dogs but there are a number of
things to consider before reaching a decision. Generally
speaking, there are two main reasons why any owners would
want to breed their dogs; either because they want some
more lab puppies for themselves or because they want to
make breeding a part time, or even full time, business.

Whatever your motivation it should be remembered that not
all pregnancies result in a happy, healthy litter. be
warned. If you are the owner of a female dog than breeding
a litter at home for the first time can be a very steep
learning curve. It is obviously very important to make
sure you have the best possible pairing of dogs. It is
important that both dogs have a suitable temperament, are
in good shape and do not have any medical problems. Each
animals lineage should be checked to ensure there are no
inherited problems such as hip dysplasia.

The character of the two dogs is equally as important as
their state of health. Labradors inevitably end up in a
family home so it is essential that they are
temperamentally suited to sharing a home with children as
well as adults.

Another essential point to consider when breeding Labrador
Retrievers is to check the pedigrees of each of the
breeding pair to ensure the dogs are not too closely
related. Breeding a pair of dogs that are closely related
can lead to serious health problems in the puppies and will
of course seriously dilute the dogs bloodline.

Before mating it is advisable to let the dogs get to know
each other and, ideally, each dog should be over two
years-of-age. By this time any temperamental or health
issues should be apparent. Breeding Labrador Retrievers is
not a decision to rush into but it should be remembered
that finding the right pair of dogs is only the beginning
of the process. Once the mating has taken place and
pregnancy is confirmed the real work begins.

Taking care of the bitch during pregnancy can take a lot of
work as can the whelping process. After the mum has
produced her litter taking care of the puppies, and finding
good homes for the puppies is a time-consuming and
potentially expensive undertaking.

The last point is the most relevant. It isn't always easy
to find suitable new owners for tour puppies. Rest assured
there is no way you will let the puppies go to just anyone.
Be prepared to reject potential owners if you are not
satisfied that they will offer a caring and loving home to
a puppy.

Craig Ellyard writes extensively for the
http://www.labrador-retriever-guide.com the leading
independent online resource for Labrador owners

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Animal Abuse Is A Heartbreaking Thing

Posted by myGPT Team | 5:22 PM | 0 comments »

Growing up on a farm, I witnessed a great deal of animal
abuse by people passing by our twenty-acre farm. I would
like to share with you some of my experiences:

popular sport of the youngest vsitors. The point of the
game was to see who could hit one of the animals first. The
cows made the best targets because of their size and
lumbering movements.

* ANIMALS MAKE GREAT TARGETS. Christmas was another joyous
time when teens received their first BB guns. Aiming and
hitting an animal was the same as shooting a bulls-eye
target. Their squeals of joy were heard across the farm. My
dad spent many hours trying to heal the bleeding holes in
the animals - many BBs never recovered, infections ensuing.
How I wish they could have watched the senseless pain they
caused the animals and my family.

* GARBAGE IS A YUMMY SNACK. Children weren't the only ones
who wreaked havoc on the farm. Even the simplest, careless
act would lead to harming an animal. In the later years,
our farm was surrounded on three sides by sub-divisions.
Although garbage pick-up was available, neighbors bordering
us saw our farm as a dumping ground and a place to tromp
our hay down for their baseball games. I never understood
as our family drove along the fence lines throwing our
neighbor's garbage into the back of our pickup truck why
they weren't humiliated by their deeds. It has never
stopped to amaze me looking back at this time, how they
thought they benefited by their acts. They could still see
the garage over the chain-link fence. Why not gaze upon the
beauty of a green field instead?

As the cows and horses grazed the pastures during different
seasons of the year, an interesting morsel of nails,
plastic bottle caps, or the remnants of a ham sandwich in a
plastic baggie would catch an animal's eye or be eaten with
a mouthful of tasty alfalfa. I remember helping my father
inject magnets down the cow's throats with a bolus to
collect as much iron and steel as possible. This was to
prevent punctures in their stomachs. The iron and steel
caused Hardware Disease or peritonitis. The magnets would
hold the metal in place and cellulous would wrap around it
much like a pearl in an oyster.

* ROCKS BREAK MORE THAN WINDOWS. This garbage practice
over the fence did nothing to help the flow of farming.
Despite regular collections by my family, garbage magically
appeared continuously, including rocks which couldn't
always be seen in a stand of alfalfa. These "gifts" from
our neighbors damaged and broke our farming equipment of
bailers, rakes and plows - costing valuable time and loss
of crops for the animals.

* PETS ARE LIKE FAMILY. Being a dog lover, the episodes
we suffered with the dogs caused my heart to ache the most.
One of my favorite dogs in my youth was Duke, a blue
heeler. Despite the name, Duke was a female. She was a
protective dog even to us kids and she worked the sheep and
cattle like a pro.

One summer day, Duke crawled to the back porch door,
whimpering. We found her on the steps, a bullet in the top
of her head. My father was an excellent veterinarian
without ever having had any formal training. Somehow, he
miraculously managed to save Duke's life. She was never the
same after that. We soon realized there had been some brain
damage to her.

One day my dad and I, along with Duke, hauled a load of our
neighbor's garbage to the dump. Duke rode in the truck by
my feet. When my dad left to rake out the back of the
truck, I reached down to pet her head. She lunged at me,
knocked the glasses from my face, and bit my cheek and
eyelid. The blood poured profusely from the bite. I was
shocked by the act of my once protective, loyal friend. But
as young as I was, I still understood. The love for this
dog was strong in me and I didn't want her to get into
trouble with my dad. I searched the glove compartment for
tissues or towels to cover my injured face but to no avail.
I wiped the blood on my jeans and on the Naugahyde roof of
our old 1964 Ford pick-up truck.

I quickly turned my head so my father wouldn't see me as he
stepped into the truck. He noticed the blood on my jeans
and the roof of the truck instantly. He turned my face
toward him and stared at me in disbelief. My words were
soft, "Please don't be mad at Duke." We returned home and I
was never to see Duke again. I asked my dad where she had
gone, and he told me she had wandered off. In my heart, and
by the pain in his eyes, I knew what had truly happened.

* DOGS AND CARS. Over the years we had many dogs on the
farm. Although many of our animals were injured by careless
acts, some were deliberately ran over by people speeding
along the road.

All of these acts proved painful and senseless over the
years. I am happy that most of the states have passed the
law that animal abuse is a federal offense. Alaska, Idaho,
Mississippi, North Dakota and South Dakota have still not
passed this law. If you live in these states, please
contact your senators and representatives today.

So far in my books, I have included dogs and also deal with
the subject of animal abuse. It is an issue close to my
heart. I hope through this article and my books people will
come to understand that animals are not targets.

Animal abuse is a topic Cindy A. Christiansen finds close
to her heart and she writes about in her books. You can
find out more information at her website:

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Moving was really an adventure for me and my pets. It was a
long and drawn out process, as I have 5 large dogs. They
are part of the family, however, so leaving them behind or
finding them new homes was not an option. Instead, we
decided to move with a truck rental. After the experience,
and looking back on everything that led up to moving day,
we realized that there is so much that the normal consumer
simply does not know about moving options and how to move
with pets. Because of this, we decided to share what we had


The first thing we learned was that no one can move
themselves, let alone pets, without a well organized plan.
Anyone should start by looking into the options that are
available. Moving options include hiring professionals,
renting a truck rental, or using a portable crate. If you
have dogs, then you know that strange smells and your pets
do not get along. For this reason, the least intrusive
method to use is a self service method such as a rental
from a truck rental place. Doing this will put you in
control of the speed of the move as well as the new smells
that end up in your home.


Many moving companies will come into your home to pack, but
they may not know what things you will need to keep out for
you and your pets. They will also bring different smells
into the home, so avoiding this should be at the top of
your list. You will be able to spend lots of time with your
pet by packing at your own speed, yet you will still be
able to stay on schedule. This little step can help you
prevent problems that you might have with behavior later on.

Moving Day

Moving day is going to be hectic, especially if you have
lots of people involved helping you move. Moving yourself
will allow you to keep this to a minimum. It will also give
you the knowledge of which room to keep your animals in
while the doors to the home are open to the outside. If you
and your family are packing and loading on moving day,
there is no way for a stranger to accidentally open the
room that you have your dogs in. As you can tell, this can
help avoid long searches for pets that have suddenly found
themselves in the freedom of the outside world.

No matter where you are moving, it is important to keep
these very important tips in mind. You should also consider
the safety of your pet in the process, and avoid letting
them ride in the rear of the truck rental. This can be
fatal as the temperatures in the back of the truck can
reach a variety of extremes, no matter how nice of a day it
is outside.

Get a free guide to moving with a truck rental from
http://www.truckrental.com , an authority on moving truck
rental information. Find out how to load your truck, as
well as how to get the lowest price on a Colorado truck
rental or other moving truck. Visit today to get your free
quotes from the best companies in the industry.

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I Just Want To STOP The Dog Barking NOW!

Posted by myGPT Team | 6:03 AM | 0 comments »

Does your dog or even worse, your neighbor's dog bark all
the dang time? If so it's pretty easy to reach your whit's
end really quickly.

After a while you really don't care why the little
nincompoops doing it, you just want to make the barking
stop. Does that sound about right to you?

Trust me, I know what you're going through all too well.
How would I know these feelings of frustration so very

Simple, my wife got a small Poodle and the little bugger
absolutely would not stay quiet for 10 minutes. I swear, if
an ant walked across the driveway he would carry on for 20
minutes strait. I was just about to lose my marbles with
the little loudspeaker.

Now, please don't get me wrong, I love animals and I
especially love dogs. I don't know about you, but
personally I love well behaved dogs. So, not really
wanting to incur my wife's wrath for suggesting Fido be
relocated several States away just to make the barking
stop, I started researching to find a solution or at least
find some options and find them fast.

Here are a few of the things to stop a dog barking that I
discovered: All the books said "You need to find out why
the dog is barking in the first place". And I'm thinking
yeah, right! I don't care why the little Nimrod's carrying
on, just make it stop.

But I do have to agree with them, there is good barking and
bad barking. So when training your dog it is important to
teach your dog the difference between nuisance barking and
good barking (like if it's 2 am and I'm snoring keep
quiet, but if you see a guy with a mask and a sack, Bark!).

As it turns out (go figure) there is actually a lot of
different kinds of barking, there's reactive, territorial,
separation anxiety, fear and warning barking. And without
becoming a Sigmund Freud for Animal Planet tm I truthfully
couldn't tell you which was which.

I did find a few things that actually worked really well.
What the heck it only took 5 hours of reading & video's and
it cost twice as much as the dog did to buy all those books
to find the one that worked.

But here's one of the tips that it said that worked really
good. Every time the dog barks give it a piece of bacon
with 1/2 a Prozac stuck into it (ok, ok, so that was my
solution and not exactly what the book said, but the dog
liked it!) Just kidding!

No really, what the book actually said was give the dog an
alternate outlet. And because it might actually take me an
hour and a half to watch the TV show 60 Minutes, I'm
thinking, alternate outlet, WHAT! they want me to plug the
little bugger into a wall socket?

Well, turns out I was wrong, they meant every time he
starts yapping give him a toy and shake it around for a
second so he gets the idea to play with it. This way when
the dog starts feeling anxiety, nervousness or separation
it will look for the toy and find comfort in it.

Yes, I found more tips, but I sure hope this one helps, it
worked for me even better than the Prozac and at a buck a
pill that stuff gets kinda spendy after a bit.

Patrick Shelley is absolutely not a professional dog
trainer. He is simply a guy who had a big problem and
needed a solution fast which he found at=>

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Nature can be very misleading for a visitor to the Kenyan
Game Parks. Herbivorous animals, such as zebras, antelopes,
wildebeests and giraffes, grazing in close proximity to
sleepy lions, give an impression of peaceful co-existence.
Even the deadly, aggressive crocodiles in the Mara river,
in the Mara Game Park, may appear to show no interest in
the wildebeest swimming across. Nothing could be further
from the truth!

Life in the Wilderness is a constant struggle for survival.
This basically narrows down to two main challenges, namely
eat and avoid being eaten. It is one thing to find food but
quite another to collect and capture it. In the battle for
survival, evolution has created a deadly amour of offensive
and defensive weapon systems, which, when used in
combination, provide strategies that make survival in the
wilderness a real nightmare for both predator and prey.
This article discusses some of these survival strategies
used by animals found in the Kenyan National Parks:

- Stealth, Ambush and Speed: Most predators that can ran
faster than their victims, are unable to maintain the chase
for more than 200 meters or so without rest. They must
therefore get as close as possible to their victims,
unseen, before they attack. The leopard, a member of the
cat family, for example, is an expert in this. Hunting
alone at night, it stalks its victim to within a close
range. Then with a short, fast rash, it attacks. The lions
have perfected this strategy by using co-operative hunting.
They hunt as a team in a very carefully planned ambush. In
this strategy, a lone lioness makes her way unseen to the
far side of a herd of zebra or wildebeest while the rest of
the team hide in the savanna grass. The latter identify a
target, usually a young old or weak victim. Keeping their
eyes locked on their victim of choice,they slowly approach
the victim to within 30 meters (100ft)or so. Then suddenly,
bolting from cover, they drive the chosen victim towards
the lone lioness who promptly busts form hiding to grab the
prey. The rest of the pride then offer assistance to finish
off their victim. Although a lioness can sprint up to a
speed of 60km/hr (37mph), the prey can ran faster, hence
the importance of the lone lioness in this strategy.
Stealth and surprise are vital weapons in this attack. The
cheetah, on the other hand, capable of accelerating from
standing start to 72km/hr (45mph) in 3 seconds and reaching
top speed of 97km/hr (60mph) does not need team work and
hunts alone. With fewer mouths to share the meal , it can
concentrate on smaller, easier to catch animals and still
certify its appetite. For the safety of its food, the
cheetah avoids competition with its nocturnal predators by
hunting during the day, at dawn or dusk.

- Stamina: That spotted hyenas are notorious scavengers
and will steal anything edible is true but they also are
efficient hunters, using their enormous stamina. A solitary
hyena, for example, can chase a wildebeest for 5km (3miles)
at 60km/hr (37mph) and bring the tired victim down alone
using his powerful jaws and strong teeth. They do not need
stealth. Similar strategy is used by African Hunting Dogs,
hunting in relay teams, to exhaust their victims to

- Camouflage and Speed for defense: Even with these
sophisticated hunting weaponry and strategies, the chance
of failure is very high. Just as the predators use
camouflage to kill, the hunted use it to avoid drawing
attention to themselves. The black stripe on each side of a
thomson's gazelle and the zebra's stripes, break up the
outline of individual animals when they are in a herd,
making it hard for the predator to pick up a single animal.
Besides, speeding predators and prey try constantly to
outdo each other in a race that means life or death. To
their advantage, zebras and gazelles have more stamina than
their hunters. Some antelopes have another trick up their
sleeve in their behavior called pronking. They jump high
into the air and bounce on their four legs repeatedly
before dashing off at high speed in a drama meant to
convince the predators that they are all fit. This makes it
difficult for the predator to select an animal that will be
an easy catch.

- Defensive Daggers: The African porcupine fends off its
enemies using quills. Each quill is cylindrical, formed of
long, tough fibrous hairs, ending in a tip that is as sharp
as a needle. Loosely attached to the porcupine's skin, it
measures about 50 cm (20 inches) long. Contrary to the
common belief, a porcupine cannot fire its quills through
the air but uses them to teach its enemies a painful
lesson. When threatened, the porcupine makes its quills
stand on end, pointing backwards. It then rattles its
quills and stamps its feet to warn the enemy. If this does
not work, the porcupine suddenly reverses into its enemy's
skin. The barbs on the quills lock them in once in the
predators body and this may cause infection to the victim.
As long as it keeps its back to the attacker, therefore,
the porcupine has a high chance of escape. The horns of
the african rhinocerous are another example of deadly

- Pretence: The crocodile, floating just below the surface,
looks nothing more than a piece of wood. Only its nostrils
and eyes remain above the water as it watches and waits
near the edge of the river for the animals to come to
drink. Then suddenly, the crocodile bolts out of the water
so fast that the victim has no time to escape. It quickly
kills it by drownig.

About the author:
Dr Aggrey Marami has special interest in culture and
wild animals. He has also spent a lot of time with wild
animals. For more amazing facts about wild animals and
culture visit :=>


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Gel Ant Farms and Non-Stick Frying Pans

Posted by myGPT Team | 9:33 AM | 0 comments »

Gel ant farms are just one of the hundreds of spin-offs
from the space program. We've always thought of space
research as being a bit wacky. Ever since the Russians
launched Laika the dog into space for no apparent reason
(other than to get one over on the Americans) and since
Alan Shepard used a six iron to hit a golf ball on the
moon, we've been wondering what space research is all about.

It's all about gravity

Well, it turns out that ant farms also feature high on
Nasa's list of worthwhile experiments. Ever since the
beginning or the space program, scientist have tried to
capitalize on the opportunity to have a gravity-free
environment in which to do experimnents.

From trying to grow unfeasibly-large crystals of silicon
(for micro-chip manufacture) to plant growth behavior, it's
all been done. Some work and others don't. But that's
science, of course.

The mystery of underground navigation

And one of these experiments was the now famous Gel Ant
Farm. Quite how ants manage to build and navigate their way
through subterranean tunnels has always been something of a
mystery. Therefore, in order to discover how they did it,
NASA scientists tried to develop a clear gel which would
make the ants visible as they built their tunnels.

The gel also needed to be sufficiently stable to withstand
the high G-forces associated with launch and re-entry. Any
sand tunnel would collapse under these unusual forces. High
G wouldn't affect the ants, of course, they are easily
strong enough to take such forces in their stride.

The Gel Ant Farm was launched, along with seven astronauts
to look after it, and the ants got to work. As I understand
it, the tunnels were a somewhat more wiggly than ones made
in the same gel by the same species on earth so gravity was
thought to play a part in the ants' subterranean efforts.
But, as far as I know, we didn't find out much else.

Never mind though, the good thing is that we now have a
fantastic selection of gel ant farms that are just great
for kids to study and learn from. Some people say that
non-stick frying pans are the only good thing ever to come
out of the space program – not so – we now have gel ant
farms as well!

Discover for yourself the fun you and your kids can have
with a gel ant farm< at

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Ant Farm Ants in the Wild

Posted by myGPT Team | 7:01 PM | 0 comments »


Of course, the name 'harvester' suggests that the ants only
eat plant material but that's not necessarily the case.
They will eat pretty much anything that contains a bit of
nutrition. They do eat seeds in abundance however, mainly
from grasses. Several of the grass species actually seed
themselves and grow on the ant-hill waste heap so food is
just on the doorstep for the ants. They will also eat the
seeds from numerous other plants as well as the nectar and
pollen from their flowers.


A wide range of carnivorous behaviors is reported for
harvester ants. These include the feeding of unhatched eggs
by the queen to her first brood of offspring and, in the
Florida harvester, the feeding of special sterile eggs,
laid by the workers, to juveniles. These are called trophic
eggs and this behaviour is unique to this species. I am not
aware of any examples of cannibalism among harvester ants
so your ant farm should be a peaceful community. It is
termites, the soft bodies, types that make up about 70% of
the ants' meat consumption. Other larger insects, such as
grasshoppers and crickets form the remainder, often the
ants will remove the soft tissue from the inside of the
insect's exoskeleton if they cannot move the entire insect
to the nest.

Foraging behavior

The most common foraging strategy is individual foraging.
In individual foraging, singleton workers will leave the
ant nest to forage for food alone. It is thought that this
was the first hunting strategy to evolve and consequently
it is the least successful in terms of losing ants in the
field. An individual ant is much more likely to be predated
upon by another insect or bird than is an organised group.
This brings us to group foraging behaviour which is one of
the most fascinating phenomena in the insect world. Many
species, including the Florida, western and red harvester
exhibit this behaviour and this is one of the reasons for
their success. Occasionally, you may find an ant column
that's over a hundred feet long and a couple of inches
wide. Imagine what they will do to any small animal that
gets in the way. When a group attack takes place the insect
(it's usually an insect) is cut up and taken back to the
nest. Often different ants will assume different roles when
dealing with prey, from attacking, to dismembering and even
digging underneath large prey to make it easier to move.
Although the armies of harvester ants on the move are a
fearsome sight to many animals, it should be remembered
that not all foraging trips are successful. The scouts fail
to come back with any food about 40% of the time. So the
ants in your ant farm ought to be eternally grateful that
you are providing them with food without their having to
move from their doorstep.

Check out the latest ant farm designs at

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Corner fish tanks can be the ideal shape when you have a
bare corner in your living area and no other piece of
furniture will function well in that particular space.
Nowadays you can even have complementary aquarium stands
and hoods with all the lighting and filtration systems
built in that will streamline the whole appearance of the
aquarium setup.

For a lot of keen aquarists, and more so those who are
living in a small flat perhaps, if living space is a
scarcity the corner fish tank makes the perfect space
saver. Fishkeeping has been a very popular pastime for many
millions of people in all corners of the world and now with
these type of tanks being available, gives the option to be
a fishkeeper to many millions more.

The normal oblong style of aquariums we see are more often
than not situated against a wall, but this may possibly
deny the householder the room required for a bit of
furniture with greater priority. Not only in the home, but
in offices and restaurants where space can be at a premium,
corner fish tanks again can fill the needs of the
proprietors. They will still do the job of relaxing and
entertaining the occupants without taking up valuable space
that could reduce their profits.

There is no need to sacrifice style with these types of
aquariums as there is a good array to choose from. There
are tanks with a bowed frontage, some with a straight
frontage and further versions again with straight frontage
but having two shorter panes of glass on each end, creating
a pentagon shape. A corner fish tank aquarium can even be
custom made to fit any space and to suit most situations.
In actual fact you can fill a piece of previously wasted
space with an ornamental fish tank and receive the pleasure
and ambiance given with such a display.

Twined tanks can be put in adjacent corners of a room to
give a great effect and brighten up otherwise dingy
corners. This also gives the fish keeper the opportunity to
vary the types of aquariums he wants. For instance you
might go for a fresh water aquarium in one area and a
saltwater aquarium in the other.

When set in place these corner fish tanks especially with
complementary aquarium stands and hoods can be
aesthetically pleasing. They will likewise give many hours
of pleasure and an air of calm to restaurant customers, an
office environment or to any fish keeping enthusiast. .

To find out more about aquariums and lots of accessories,
visit => http://petsuppliesfish.com or if you are in the UK
click this link for corner aquariums =>

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There are so many advantages that can be gained by adding
fish tank hoods to you fish tanks. The hoods give greater
protection, stop your fish absconding, maintain a level
temperature, contribute in alleviating evaporation and make
the ideal housing area for the lights that bring the tank
to life. With a tank hood in place you will be rewarded
with an easier fish keeping experience, establish better
conditions for your pet fish and give you a more appealing

Fish can be prone to assault from other animals in the home
and in turn will traumatise them whether or not they do
come through the assault. The sight of a giant paw
attempting to claw you from your habitat is not something
any fish would wish. Not only other animals, but your
neighbours cute little kid, paying a visit, in an act of
kindness feeds your fish with pieces of pizza, chocolate
cake and other water fouling goodies.

Some species of fish will from time to time jump out the
water, which is fine if they land back in the water. If
these escapees take the wrong trajectory, goodness knows
where they will land. Well we all know about fish out of
water, and further strengthens the argument about using
fish tank hoods.

An aquarium tank without a hood allows water temperature to
rise and fall and won't be the idyllic aquarium ecosystem.
This is particularly so for tropical fish. In most cases a
room temperature will vary from day to night and season to

Evaporation is another problem caused by the lack of using
fish tank hoods. This can be a nuisance having to top up
the tank periodically.

Lighting is so important if you want to have your fish
aquarium looking at its best. A fish tank hood will provide
the most appropriate place to house the lighting tubes.
This creates a beautiful effect in muted lighting, the
light shining down through the water. All plantation that
you have in place in your fish tank will derive benefits
with the added light. When you tally up the cost involved
on aquariums and adding the fish and internal furnishings,
the additional cost of fish tank hoods could work out to be
a wise investment. As well as the advantages of a safer
habitat for your marine creatures and producing a better
show, another major element would be contentment knowing
your fish to be safe, and arguably could be the most

Like to find out more information about aquarium hoods that
will give your fish protection and enhance the look of your
fish tank? Take a look at the selection of fish tank hoods
available plus many more aquarium items at

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Moving over a long distance can be a complicated and
complex task. There is a long list of things that you need
to complete in order to complete all tasks that are
associated with moving. Animals and pets do not understand
what is happening around them, so it is up to you to
contain any behavior problems that might arise throughout
the move. You can get help doing this, as many cross
country movers are happy to help you reduce the trauma on
your pets when moving.

Doing the Research

With any long distance move, you need to start by
investigating which national moving companies offer their
services out of your area, and when their services are
available in relation to the general timing of your move.
You want to end up with a list of companies that can be
hired for your move dates. You should decide on your moving
dates before you do this. You can call cheap moving
companies that are on your list once you know the dates
that you need to move.

Always ask how the company handles animals. Though some
movers will not have any specific procedures for handling
pets, others will offer custom pet transport, while still
others will at the very least have had experience with
moving their client's pets along with their furniture. When
and if the companies that you contact can not provide the
proper information, they should be able to refer you to a
company that can.

Making Your Decision

Before you settle on a company, you should carefully
consider your options. You need to look at the price of
services, of course, but you should also consider the
services that you are getting for the price. It may be
simpler and ultimately less expensive to go with a single
outfit that meets all your needs than to hassle with two
different companies, even if the single company ends up
costing you more. This particular consideration is key in
your process of choosing which movers you will engage.

You should also check the licensing and performance history
of each candidate. Do your homework by getting license
numbers and references from the companies. You should be
able to find some of the referred former customers who will
be willing to talk to you about how their moves went. You
should be satisfied with the answers to all of your
questions before you decide to sign a contract. This
includes the exact arrangements for the moving of your pet,
who will be assigned to look after it during the move, and
what exactly the service entails.

Regardless of which moving firm you finally select, the
goal is to assure yourself that you, your family, and your
pet will be properly taken care of. Anticipating and
averting problems is key, and you are best equipped to do
so when you know beforehand your rights and
responsibilities in the contractual relationship. You can
keep your move simple by doing plenty of research before
choosing a company.

http://www.123moving.org is your one stop shop for moving
information and tools. Get free cost estimates from the
best national moving companies and cheap moving companies
in the industry. Visit today for free tips, hints, and
moving quotes for your next move.

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Facing a move with your animals is a huge job. You must
look at many different things when you need to move your
pets as well as your household things. There are plenty of
moving options available to you, and moving truck rental
might just be one of the best.

Benefits of a Truck

One of the biggest problems that pets have with moving is
the strange smells and people that enter their home at this
point in time. You can totally rid your move of strange
people by renting a truck. Doing this can help your pets
and animals stay calm when new smells and people bombard

You might also find a good cheap truck rental for your
requirements. Doing this will save you lots of money on the
overall cost of the move, allowing you to spend more money
on the things that you need when you reach your new home.

Things to Avoid

Even though moving trucks are getting more and more popular
these days, there are still a few things that you need to
avoid, especially if you have pets. Putting an animal in
the back of a moving truck for the move can prove to be
fatal. Temperatures in the rear of the truck can reach some
pretty high levels, making it impossible for any animals or
people to survive.

You also need to make sure that you choose a truck rental
that is in good condition. Always make sure that you look
over and inspect the truck before you take it off the
rental lot. This way, you will make sure there is a way out
of any situation while you are on the road. To this end,
you should also make sure to get a 24 hour number from the
company, which will let you get help if there should be a
breakdown or other problem on the road. Stay far away from
any companies that do not keep their trucks in perfect
condition. Clean trucks that are in good condition will
come from companies that are upstanding.

Moving Day

One of the most important tips that you need to keep in
mind, even if you are moving yourself with a moving truck
rental, is the need to keep your pet safe. You should have
a room where your pet can stay safe when moving day
arrives. Remember, you will probably be going in and
outside, so you need to try to keep your pet in the
backyard or in an empty room during this time.

These tips will really help you face the move when you have
to relocate with your pets in tow.

http://www.westerntruckrental.com is your one stop shop for
cheap truck rental information. Find helpful tips, hints,
and get free quotes for a Colorado moving truck rental or a
truck rental in any other state in the nation today.

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There is nothing better to a dog owner than to see his pet
healthy, active and happy. A common reason for the
transformation of your dog from happy to sad is due to dog
scratching. Dogs just can't stand being uncomfortable. They
scratch every part they can possibly reach once that itchy
feeling comes their way. Dog scratching is something a dog
owner must address. It brings about much stress and trauma
to your dog, especially when dog cuts come about. The itchy
sensation makes the dog scratch and scratch, not being
aware that he is making the problem worse. Of course, all
he's thinking is, "Get rid of this irritating itch!".


A dog may appear active and playful, and yet be feeling
very sore. There are numerous reasons for the annoying dog
scratching problem. It is most likely because they have a
specific skin issue, such as dermatitis.

Dermatitis can be environmental, nutritional, parasitic,
infectious or bacterial. Now, what the dog owner must first
do is to contact a vet. As soon as it's noticed, the "dog
scratching" problem must be given your full attention, as
it may cause serious long-term skin problems if not dealt
with early. A dog owner must work hand in hand with his
vet, taking the full responsibility of relaying all the
necessary information about his dog. With the owner's
cooperation, the vet would be able to identify the possible


As soon as the cause of the dog scratching is identified,
the dog must be treated immediately. Of course, depending
on the specific cause, the owner must make changes in order
for the skin problem to fully heal. For instance, dog
scratching problems can happen to dogs that are allergic to
lawn grass (strange but true).

You may also want to consider products that specialize in
treating dog scratching. There are a variety out there but
one of the most effective ones I've ever seen contains the
Mayan traditional herb Tepezcohuite. (In fact, I was so
impressed with its natural abilities that I created an
all-natural dog balm called K9 KlearUp around this compound
- www.k9klearup.com. It's guaranteed to help clear up the
17 most common canine skin and coat problems).

So there you have it, some simple solutions to help get rid
of annoying dog scratching. Your dog will be wagging his
tail again in no time!

Brandon Roe is the author of "The Official Dog Coat and
Skin Care Guide", a comprehensive guide to help your pooch
maintain a beautiful and healthy skin. Get your FREE copy
now at http://www.k9klearup.com/guide .

He is also the developer of K9 KlearUp, the world's first
and only natural pet balm that helps clear up the 17 most
common canine skin and coat problems... Guaranteed or your
money back.

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So, the Obamas have finally added that new puppy to their
family, and his cute little face is staring at you from
every newspaper/magazine/website you come across and
suddenly you find yourself thinking "Aawww... he's so
sweet. I want one of those"

But wait.... just because the 'First Family' has one, it
doesn't mean YOU should! Every dog breed is different, with
different needs, behavior, and requirements - and every
home is different too.

Portuguese Water Dog puppies are adorable teddy bear
'look-alikes', and their lively and affectionate
personalities makes them very endearing. But before all
those cute photos in the media have you searching for a
breeder with a puppy to sell, it's a good idea to take a
few minutes to learn more about the breed, and figure out
whether it's the right 'fit' for you.

The Portuguese Water Dog is an old breed, know in it's
native land as Cao de Agua (literally meaning 'dog of the
water'). The ancestors of todays' PWDs played an important
role in their country's' fishing industry, and were used to
herd fish, retrieve lines/tackle, carry messages from boat
to boat or to shore, and act as guardians when protection
was needed.

A medium to large sized dog, an adult will measure anywhere
between 17 and 23 inches in height, and weigh between 35
and 60lbs. A female will usually be smaller/lighter than a
male, but both sexes should be solidly built and muscular.

This courageous, hardy and spirited dog still carries the
attributes of a working breed, and in spite of it's cuddly
looks, it is most definitely not a lap-dog. Portuguese
Water Dogs need lots of vigorous exercise and an active
lifestyle, but can be happy in an average-sized home/yard
if given plenty of opportunity to run and play on a daily

They bond closely with their owners and always want to be
by your side. This isn't an independent breed who can be
happy left alone for long periods inside or out, and your
Portuguese Water Dog pup will want (and need) to be an
integral part of your family's' life.

Outgoing, intelligent and eager to learn, Portuguese Water
Dogs make great obedience or agility dogs, and although
often considered too small to fill the 'service dog' role,
they can be great therapy dogs. Regular socialization and
obedience training are very important if you want your PWD
to grow up to be all that it can be.

Portuguese Water Dogs can make excellent family pets, and
their exuberance and energy levels make them a lot of fun
but they can sometimes 'play rough'. They're also known to
be a 'mouthy' breed, and may nip/bite more than usual.

Although consistent correction will eliminate the mouthing
and rough-housing, if you have very young children you may
want to take this into account. Generally this breed is
fine with other dogs, and can live alongside cats if
introduced to them early on.

Their tendency towards 'mouthiness' can also show up as
excessive chewing, and you'll need to make sure you have a
lot of very sturdy chew toys handy for your Portuguese
Water Dog puppy (or your home and belongings will suffer!).

The long wavy or curly hair that makes them so adorably
'shaggy', needs regular grooming and a daily brush or comb
is the best way to keep matts and tangles at bay. Regular
clipping or trimming is also recommended.

Portuguese Water Dogs have a single layer coat which is
very low-shedding and this means they are considered to be
a hypoallergenic breed. If you or your children have dog
hair allergies, this breed is less likely to trigger
symptoms. However, it's important to remember that
allergies vary greatly from person to person, and there's
no such thing as an 'allergy-free' dog breed.

It's best to spend some time around any breed you are
considering BEFORE buying a puppy, that way you can find
out exactly how you're affected by them.

If this breed sees a sudden growth in popularity, finding a
healthy puppy from a reputable breeder may become a bit
more difficult. Poor breeding practices fueled by the
prospect of a quick financial profit, have been responsible
for a decrease in the overall health and looks of many
breeds in the past.

If you decide that a Portuguese Water Dog is the one for
you, take the time to find a responsible breeder with dogs
who have been screened for potential genetic/hereditary
conditions, and who offers a health contract.

Some conditions that may be found in this breed, and for
which screening is available for breeding stock, include
Hip Dysplasia, GM1 Storage Disease, PRA (Progressive
Retinal Atrophy), and Juvenile Dilated Cardiomyopathy. If
the breeder you're talking to asks you a lot of questions,
that's a good sign... it means that she really cares about
the homes her puppies go to.

When it comes to the adoption v purchase issue, there are
some very strong feelings on both sides! There are
thousands of dogs in shelters and pounds all around the
country who are in desperate need of loving homes, and
they're almost always there through no fault of their own.

Adoption should always be considered when you're adding a
new puppy/dog to the family, even if you have your heart
set on a purebreed, because there are many purebred rescue

However, Portuguese Water Dogs are not in the same position
as, say, Labrador Retrievers. There simply isn't the same
number (or even close to it!) of puppies or dogs looking
for new homes as there is with the more popular and well
known breeds. Finding a Portuguese Water Dog breeder in
your area is going to be a challenge, and the chances of
finding a purebred PWD being in a local rescue center or
pound are very slim.

There may be mixed-breed pups who have Portuguese Water Dog
ancestry, and these will make just as wonderful a pet as
any purebred puppy - but, if you want a purebred pup who
can be registered, buying from a reputable breeder is
probably going to be your best option.

So, IS the Portuguese Water Dog right for your family and

.... If you've read this whole article and can honestly say
that you can provide a Portuguese Water Dog with a home
environment where it can thrive, the time and attention it
needs, AND you're still in love with that adorable
teddy-bear look, I wish you and your new best friend a long
and happy life together.

Learn more about the Portuguese Water Dog at
Author is a life-long dog lover, and owner and webmaster of
http://www.the-puppy-dog-place.com , a website dedicated to
helping new puppy owners raise happy, healthy puppies.

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Bred as a hunting dog the Labrador retriever has become
synonymous with the image of a faithful family pet
unreservedly loved and adored by owners around the world.
Blessed with bags of energy and a character that is both
loyal and loving it is unsurprising that Labs are so highly
thought of and coveted as family dogs.

It is little wonder that Labs are statistically one of the
most popular dog breeds with a huge proportion of North
American and European dog lovers being lab owners as well.
Its friendly, placid, bright, and bouncy good nature makes
it a wonderfully delightful companion as well as being
perfectly suited for other tasks outside the home such as
police work. Labs are also extensively used as assistance
dogs for the blind and also the physically handicapped.
Labradors are often used in rehab and therapy work as they
seem to be able to transmit their loving nature to any
human being.

Labs are tremendous swimmers and fittingly have an
otter-like tail. Their coat is grown in an interweave
pattern, making them ideally suited to spending time in the

And, as their name suggests, Labradors are excellent
retrievers and one of their surprisingly pleasant
attributes is the fact that they have extremely 'soft
mouths.' Apparently, a Lab is able to carry an egg in its
mouth without breaking it though I have to say if my Labs
got an egg in their mouth they would simply eat it. They
have capricious appetites!

In general Labs are not markedly prone to having some of
the negative traits found in some breeds. The aggression
and poor temperament associated with certain breeds are not
issues that will affect labradors.

Labrador retrievers are especially wonderful with children
because the Lab has an intense desire to not only please,
but its desire to play is almost equal with its desire to

Children can spend hours playing catch with a ball, or a
Frisbee, and the dog will appear to be tireless. As far as
a Lab is concerned 'more is best' and they never get bored
of playing or being with their human masters.

Labrador retrievers really enjoy being with children and
make great child minders! Kids will never be bored if
there is a Labrador in the house - and vice versa.

Labs, as a breed, are exceedingly intelligent making them
highly trainable though it is certainly true that they have
great independence and can be quite stubborn in their

Labrador retrievers are also immensely inquisitive,
investigative and dearly love company, and they will follow
both people and interesting scents for attention, food, and
sometimes just because they want to!

Unfortunately, because of their trusting and adventurous
nature Labs can often go walk about or be tempted away from
their homes. Because of their trusting nature and urge to
explore, Lab owners should ensure that their contact
information is recorded on the dogs disc and, if possible,
consider micro chipping the dog as an extra safeguard.

Labs are basically a healthy breed, though they are highly
prone to becoming overweight as they have a tremendous
talent for begging or finding food. But, like all dog
breeds, Labs are susceptible to certain conditions and they
can be prone to hip dysplasia, osteoarthritis and other
joint problems as well as suffering from diabetes.

Of course and dog, just like its human owner, can become
ill but Labrador retrievers really do tick all the boxes if
you are looking for the ideal pet for your family!

Craig Ellyard writes extensively for the
http://www.labrador-retriever-guide.com the leading
independent online resource for Labrador owners. For more
information on all things Labrador please visit

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In this article "Dog Hot Spots: How to get rid of them
fast", I'll explore the causes of dog hot spots and suggest
how you can get rid of them.


Does your dog have the following symptoms?

· Licking, biting and chewing a spot on the skin endlessly.
· The spot suddenly increases in a matter of hours,
sometimes with pus inside.
· The sore may sometimes ooze pus or blood out.
· The hot spot loses hair.
· The sore smells funny.
· Your usually friendly hairball best friend is now bad
tempered and growls at you when you accidentally touch

If your dog has these symptoms and if the spot seems to
breed other spots like it, then your dog may be
experiencing what veterinarians call pyotraumatic
dermatitis, or hot spots. A dog hot spot is a very annoying
skin lesion that can grow rapidly if left untreated. These
infuriating nuisances on your little pooch are not only
making him or her suffer, it can also make your doggie
friend look like he or she has a contagious disease.


Here are 3 of the main causes of a dog hot spot:

1. Hot spots are usually seen in dogs that have furry coats
like Shih-Tzu's or Pomeranians because they are more
susceptible to get tangled and matted hair that causes
these irritating pyotraumatic dermatitis. Also, dogs with
long coats are more prone to have trapped dead hair inside
the skin which is also something that causes hot spots.

2. Dogs with allergic reactions to house dust, household
chemicals, commercial dog food and even plant pollen are
also vulnerable to hot spots.

3. Other dogs are just plain hyper and will end up biting,
licking and gnawing at themselves if left alone. This can
also cause hot spots to appear.


If you see that your loyal four-legged best friend has a
hot spot then you must act quickly. Below are steps you can
take to treat this horrible condition:

1. First of all, isolate the area by trimming the hair
around the sore itself to prevent the spreading of the
infection. Some find it easier to wipe away the fur if you
put some water-based jelly on the fur that you will trim
off. Trimming the hair around the spot not only makes it
easier to treat the spot, it will also lessen the cause of

2. Clean the sore well by using a mild antiseptic soap.
Thoroughly wash the area to make sure no residual soap is
left that can cause further irritation.

3. You need to dry out the sore so that it will not flame
up and have some pus in it. Do this by applying wet tea
bags on the sore.

4. A number of natural products have also proven to be very
effective against dog hot spots. Among these are witch
hazel and apple cider vinegar. Tepezcohuite, which forms
the foundation of one of my pet related products
(k9klearup.com), has been found to be quite effective on
hot spots as well, so much so that we guarantee it's


In preventing hot spots, you need to address the causes of
course. So make sure you brush your furry friend's coat all
the time to avoid tangles, clean your home or the area
where your pooch loves to play regularly and give him or
her proper exercise so your doggie pal will not get
restless and mutilate his or her own skin.

So there you have it, some simple solutions to help get rid
of a dog hot spot. Your dog should be wagging his tail
again in no time!

Brandon Roe is the author of "The Official Dog Coat and
Skin Care Guide", a comprehensive guide to help you dog
maintain a beautiful and healthy coat and clear skin. Get
your FREE copy today at http://www.k9klearup.com/guide .
He is also the developer of K9 KlearUp, the worlds only pet
balm that helps clear up the 17 most common canine skin and
coat problems... Guaranteed or your money back.

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