Arthritis in Dogs

Posted by myGPT Team | 5:40 PM | 0 comments »

Arthritis is a common problem in dogs. It is recognised by
symptoms such as the pet going stiff-legged after exercise,
showing reluctance in going up or down the stairs or
playing, and finding it uncomfortable to wake up in the
morning. Before the problem gets out of hand and has a
crippling effect on the life of the dog and that of the dog
owner, it is important to take proper care of the dog and
consult the vet for a thorough diagnosis, if required.

Let's begin by knowing what arthritis is. Arthritis is a
condition involving the joints. There are two types of
arthritis: Degenerative arthritis and inflammatory
arthritis. In the former, the cartilage that protects the
bones making the joint wither away due to various factors
like overuse from strenuous activities, aging, accidents
and other bodily deficiencies. This type of arthritis is
also known as osteoarthritis.

Inflammatory arthritis involves inflammation of joints
arising mostly from infections due to systemic deficiencies
in the dog. Both the forms of arthritis in dogs are
accompanied by pain and discomfort in moving the limbs.

There are two approaches to treating arthritis in dogs.
However, before beginning any treatment with medicines, it
is essential to have a thorough diagnostic assessment done
to find out the nature and extent of joint damage and cause
of pain.

The first approach involves regulating the diet. If the dog
is overweight, the extra weight may be putting more stress
on the joints than it can handle. So, weight reduction is
an important component of any treatment plan. The dog
should be put on a balanced and nutritious diet rich in
proteins, minerals and fiber. It should drink plenty of
fluids to flush out toxins from the body. Try to avoid dry
dog food which contains grains that perpetuates
inflammation and may aggravate arthritis pain. Instead, the
dog can be given homemade food containing celery, other
fresh vegetables such as cucumber, carrot, lettuce and
sometimes garlic which has anti-septic and
anti-inflammatory properties.

The second approach involves giving the dog supplements
that reduce arthritis swelling and pain, such as
Glucosamine, dietary sulphur sources like
Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM), and Omerga-3 fatty acids
found abundantly in fish. Side by side, the dog should be
given massage of the sore muscles and joints and kept off
from damp environs.

If these natural therapies do not work, the dog may require
an examination by the vet who can recommend pain killers
and other therapeutic procedures to provide relief from
arthritis pain and other symptoms.

Dr Alison Grimston is a holistic doctor and animal healer.
If you are a pet owner or therapist, sign up for her free
report on keeping your pet healthy naturally, by logging in
at .

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