It's easier to keep your dog happy if it is healthy. The
way to keep your dog happy and healthy is to watch where
they go, what they do and never home treat for illnesses.
Your dog needs you to be the alpha and make sure they avoid
potential hazards.

Here a list of things every dog owner should know:

Antifreeze: Yes, dogs like the taste of antifreeze and will
drink it up. Keep antifreeze away from your dog. Don't
let your dog wander the hood where antifreeze could be
available for them to drink. Dogs that drink antifreeze
usually don't survive.

Acetaminophen (over the counter pain reliever): don't give
these to your dog if trying to treat him without the advice
of a veterinary and make sure the bottles are away from
where they could spill and your dog will eat them. Mild
poisoning has a possibility of recovering, but severe
poisoning will cause the dog to die.

Alcohol: if your pet has drunk enough, this develops into
slow breathing, possibly coma and cardiac arrest, or heart

Bread Dough: the dough fermentation in the gastrointestinal
tract results in the formation of an alcohol which in turn
develops into slow breathing, possibly coma and cardiac
arrest, or heart attack.

Amitraz (tick control): Make sure your dog can't chew it's
flea/tick collar or if you pour on tick control, be sure to
use it correctly. If diagnosed quickly, most dogs will
recover. Please remember when using this to prevent ticks,
it is also very toxic to your pet.

Asprin: do not give to your dog for home treatment. If you
simply must give your dog aspirin, use one of the buffered
products to help protect his stomach, give the aspirin with
a meal, and use it in close consultation with your vet.

Carbon Monoxide: don't run your car in a garage if your
dog is in there, also watch out using heaters in closed
rooms or area with low ventilation. The prognosis is good
if poisoning is mild; however it may take up to 6 weeks for
signs of brain damage due to oxygen starvation to develop.
This is irreversible.

Chocolate: Your dog will show symptoms of chocolate
poisoning within 6-12 hours of eating it. Vomiting,
diarrhea and hyperactivity are common. Prevention of
chocolate poisoning is easy - eat all the chocolate
yourself!! Whether or not a dog recovers from theobromine
poisoning depends on how much he has eaten, and how severe
the symptoms.

Grapes: As much as dogs seem to like them, grapes, sultanas
and raisins can be very toxic to dogs, if enough of them
are eaten. If poisoning is caught early, before your dog
shows any symptoms of kidney failure, he should survive.
However, if his kidneys have shut down and he's not
producing any urine, the prognosis is poor, and he's
unlikely to survive.

Lead Poisoning: If you're doing any home renovations and
the paint on your walls contains lead, sanding the walls
can leave paint residue around the floor. Your dog may
inadvertently lick the lead containing dust from his paws
or coat. In the past, there have been recalls of children's
toys because of excess lead content; a puppy may chew a toy
and become unwell. Lead poisoning can certainly be fatal
to your dog, and some dogs that recover may show permanent
neurological changes.

Molds (or moulds): The main species of mold which grows on
foods your dog may eat is Aspergillus, and the toxin is
called aflatoxin. Aflatoxin is one of the most poisonous
substances found in nature. This can also be fatal. Some
veterinarians believe that this slow poisoning by low doses
of aflatoxin is under diagnosed, and occurs more frequently
than we think.

Mothballs: Naphthalene is the active ingredient in most
mothballs. Dogs with mild symptoms usually recover with
treatment, however if your dog has liver failure, the
prognosis isn't as good. Keep your dog away from sources
of naphthalene.

Onions: It doesn't matter if they are cooked or raw, onions
and garlic both contain thiosulphate. While poisoning isn't
all that common, it still occurs and it can kill, in high
doses onions and garlic are quite poisonous to him.

Organophosphates: found in some older flea and tick rinses,
and although there are many newer and safer alternatives,
organophosphate poisoning is still one of the top three
chemical agents responsible for deaths in animals. The
other two are the anticoagulant rodenticides, and ethylene
glycol (antifreeze). Use one of the newer flea control
products which are often more effective and much safer.

Diagnosis of the cause of poisoning can be difficult. It
will help if you can tell your vet as much as you can about
your dog's environment and recent activity. ... When you
are close to your pet, you will know where they have been
and what they have done. Keep your dog happy and healthy
by preventing poison in the first place.

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