Signs of aging in your dog are gradual, just as with us.
Slowly becoming grey around the muzzle, slowing down, not a
quick to get up from lying down, and sleeping more.

These are natural normal signs of elderly dogs, and are
inevitable. Depending on the breed and size of your dog,
the rate of aging can be quite different. For example at
10 years of age, a dog under 20 pounds is approximately
equivalent to 56 human years. Compare the same aged dog
(10 years old) that is over 90 pounds, and they are
equivalent to approximately 78 human years.

Vets usually consider a small dog to be senior citizens
around the 12th year. A large breed dog reaches the same
stage around their 7th year. This is according to a report
from Tuft's University.

Using established guidelines to determine when your dog
starts entering their golden years will help to understand
any changes in behavior and health. Keeping regular
checkups with your vet is also most important as your dog
ages, as any irregularities can be found early.

Signs of aging and tips to help keep your senior pet as
perky as possible are:

Difficulty getting up from lying down, or limping and
difficulty moving could indicate arthritis. Your vet can
help recommend supplements or proper modified exercise
routines to relieve discomfort, and increase mobility.
Usually the proper supplements such as glucosamine will
relieve mild arthritis symptoms.

Although graying hair and drying skin are quite normal in
aging canines, a nice daily massage and a regular grooming
routine can help your senior pet's skin condition improve.
Also, because of the slowing down in daily routines for
your senior dog, this can be your special bonding time set
aside to make him/her feel special and also break up a
boring day and give you both something to look forward too.

Certain breeds such a Labrador Retrievers are also known to
be genetically predisposed to arthritis and hip problems.
Different breeds have different genetic problems that you
should be aware of when you first adopt your puppy, so you
can look for signs of the problem as they age.

Excellent nutrition from puppy hood will help delay or
decrease the speed of which the aging process proceeds.
Don't overfeed your dog as obesity causes more diseases and
illnesses which shorten your pet's life.

Keep your dog clean and free of parasites, fleas and ticks.
This will certainly help increase the chances of a longer

Vision and hearing ultimately become diminished in your
aging dog. Try not to startle your dog by changing his
environment (moving furniture, changing the location of his
bed, etc.). If his hearing is bad, using hand signals, and
talking to his face so he can see you will help.

Sudden weight loss or loss of appetite needs to be checked
out immediately by your vet.

Also a sudden increase in appetite, especially with no
weight gain involved may indicate diabetes. Also a sudden
increase in thirst is also a sign of diabetes. This also
needs immediate attention from your vet.

Excessive panting in your senior dog may indicate heart
disease. If this continues for more than a day this is
another reason to get to the vet as soon as possible.

As with any dog, diarrhea and vomiting lasting more than a
day needs to be checked right away.

And finally, and possibly the worst problems to watch out
for in your aging dog are the behavioral changes. Just as
when we deal with our elderly family members who have
dementia or Alzheimer's, dealing with a pet with drastic
personality changes can be traumatic for both of your.
Some symptoms to watch for are: Confusion, lack of
attentiveness, disorientation, roaming in circles, barking
for no reason, elimination accidents and being withdrawn.
Also uncharacteristic aggression may start in old age. Try
to keep your old dog's environment as stable and unchanging
as possible as this may help.

It is difficult to watch the deterioration slowly change
our robust, vibrant and active puppy into a slow moving,
tired and sometimes cranky family member. With proper
veterinary care, good nutrtion and relieving unnecessary
pains and minor problems the transition to becoming a
senior dog need not be traumatic. We can always enjoy our
pets at any age, just as long as our expectations change
with their needs.

I am an animal lover and advocate of raising healthy, happy
pets, as part of the family. I truly believe this starts
with proper, adequate nutrition, which in turn extends your
pets life.
Check out what is the best of the best for you dog here:

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