Pet First Aid Kits

Posted by myGPT Team | 9:37 AM | 0 comments »

Pet first aid kits are an essential part of the survival of
pets during emergencies. The importance of preparing for
calamities, not only for yourself and family, but also for
your pets has been underscored after a lot of dead pets
were found in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, which hit
several areas in the southern parts of the United States. A
lot of dogs, cats and even other exotic animals were left
in the streets on their own as humans evacuated because of
the said hurricane. It was a sad story but truly, you and
your animal will have a better chance of surviving big
disasters and emergencies only if you plan ahead.

Assembling your pet first aid kit is one of the first
things you should do to help ensure the survival and
happiness of your pet during emergency situations. Remember
that pets are more sensitive than humans when it comes to
feeling catastrophes or natural disasters, so there is a
big possibility that they will react violently or
restlessly before, during and even after the calamity.
Because of this, you need to include pet safety products
such as lighted collars, possible motion activated dog
tags, and even pet carriers. Of course, you also need to
provide emergency survival pet food and water for your
precious pooches, cats, or birds. It is important that you
check the food and water supply of your pets regularly to
ensure that they are good when disaster strikes. We would
recommend that you keep at least a three day supply of
emergency food and water for your pet, just like is
recommended for your emergency kit.

Apart from food and water, your pet first aid kits should
also contain blankets, chew sticks, and even playthings to
help them cope during emergency situations. If you will be
staying in evacuation centers, it is a good idea to bring
along poop bags and/or WAG bags to maintain the sanitation
of the place. In case your evacuation place does not allow
animals inside for sanitary reasons, you need to make a
back-up plan about where your animal can stay. An
alternative shelter and/or pet carrier for your pet is
essential for its survival, so do not forget about it.

A good pet first aid kit and a three day supply of food and
water are really important if you treat your pet as a
member of your family. You will be glad you prepared in

Eric Holm - Owner and Manager of We have pet
first aid kits at

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