Six Turtle Care Tips

Posted by myGPT Team | 1:50 AM | 0 comments »

When you decide to get a turtle for a pet, you have made a
wise choice. Turtles can provide years of enjoyment. Some
of them can even live up to forty years, if cared for
properly. If you have children, this is a great pet for
them to learn responsible pet care. While knowing how to
care for turtles is not rocket science, it will take some
instruction to do it correctly. You must ensure you have
enough time to care for your turtle properly, as neglect
will cause a stinky habitat and a very unhealthy, unhappy

1.Choose a good habitat: Turtles will require quite a bit
of space in order to move around freely. You'll need a good
size tank or aquarium, such as a forty gallon fish tank.
You will need to provide a swimming area for your turtle
and an area for them to sunbathe in. Foliage and stones on
the bottom will make the turtle feel as though it's right
at home.

2.Find a good source of heat: You will need to find a good
source of heat for your turtle. In order to know how to
care for turtles, you need to learn that a turtle maintains
its body temperature through its surroundings. A heat lamp
or other heating source will provide a place for your
turtle to sun themselves.

3.Fresh water is a must: When you learn how to care for
turtles, you will realize how important fresh water is to
the reptile. Not only do turtles require fresh drinking
water daily, they also need frequent water changes in their
swimming area.

4.Know how to feed your turtle: Turtles require specific
vitamins and minerals in order to stay healthy. If you want
to know how to care for turtles, you might consider
purchasing a diet book for your turtle. These reptiles can
eat many different things, such as cooked meats like turkey
or chicken, worms, fruits, and vegetables. There are also
many nutritional supplements available at your local pet
stores. You may also wish to purchase bone meal to add
calcium to your turtle's diet.

5.Keep your turtle safe from harm: Other pets may be very
interested in your turtle; however, they can really cause
it problems. Small children may not understand that
dropping a turtle can have deadly consequences. Turtles
must be protected from these kinds of hazards. This is
another specific area that needs to be addressed when you
are learning how to care for turtles the proper way.

6.Caring for multiple turtles: If you decide you want to
have more than one turtle, you need to learn how to care
for turtles that live together. You will need a much larger
habitat and swimming area. You may have to feed each turtle
separately and at different areas of the tank. Sometimes
turtles will fight when put together. You may also end up
with babies if a male and female are housed together.

For great turtle care advice, turtle food recommendation
or turtle health issues visit us at .....

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