Did you know that Aromatherapy is wonderful for dogs? It
not only has brilliant healing powers for their body but
can be immensely beneficial to their happiness and general
well being. Here are a 10 ways in which you can use
Aromatherapy to enrich your dogs life.

i. Combating dog odors - If you have an indoor dog it is
likely that their bedding and your carpet, lounge etc will
at some stage have that 'doggy' smell, particularly if the
house has been locked up all day in the middle of summer.
By spraying essential oil blends on your dog and the
affected areas around your home you can freshen the house
up immediately. I have found that the scent from essential
oil sprays last much longer than the commercial air

ii. Repelling fleas and ticks - There are a number of
different blends you can make to repel fleas and ticks.
There are a number of ways to apply these blends as well.
Certain essential oils can be added to the dogs shampoo or
a few drops can be placed under his collar to name just a
couple. Dogs can be sprayed before going into areas that
may be tick infected like cattle country to protect them
against ticks. If they do get a tick on them essential oils
can also kill the tick and after extraction can disinfect
where the tick was.

iii. Rheumatism and Arthritis - Many older dogs in
particular suffer from aching arthritic joints, some to the
point where they have trouble even walking. Just as massage
can help us it can also immensely improve the mobility and
happiness of your dog. By making massage oil and rubbing
the affected areas morning and night you can see a huge

iv. Anxiety and nervousness - Some dogs suffer emotionally.
They can make themselves ill or can become very
destructive, particularly in the case of separation
anxiety. Again a blend of calming essential oils sprayed
onto the dog before leaving them alone or before a storm or
whatever it is that upsets them can work wonders and is

v. Boosting energy levels - If your dog suffers from
lethargy you can restore some of his energy levels by
rubbing a blend of oils into his spine. Only do this in the
morning so he has all day to burn off the energy.

vi. Bad breath - I guess we've all had a dog or encountered
a dog with terrible breath. Usually bad breath is a result
of plaque that has formed on his teeth. You can actually
brush your dogs teeth with a few drops of oil to prevent
this but if that is just too time consuming or too much
hassle, particularly if the dog is not happy to let you,
you can add drops to his food.

vii. Poor coat condition - Some dogs suffer from a poor
coat. There are many reasons why this may be the case but
again aromatherapy can help. You can brush a blend of oils
through their coat or you can add some to their food.
Either way it can restore his coat to shiny and healthy.

viii. Skin problems - Dogs can develop skin problems from
time to time and essential oils are also very beneficial in
clearing it up particularly rashes, bites and cuts.

ix. Treating an abscess - If your dog has an abscess
essential oils can treat this problem too. Of course all
dogs are different so if improvement isn't apparent fairly
quickly he or she may need a course of antibiotics to solve
the problem.

x. Itching and scratching - Some dogs will scratch
endlessly for no apparent reason. A blend of essential oils
can really make a difference and stop his itching

Tracey Peapell is the author of Aromatherapy For Dogs. She
lives in Australia and is a great believer in the power of
Aromatherapy for maintaining good health and well being in
To learn how you and your dog can benefit visit

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