So you've finally made the decision that you're going to
get your first pet reptile - but where do you even start?
Well luckily it's not as hard as you may have thought
The first factor to consider is what you can provide to
your new pet. Consider factors such as the size of cage you
could safely accommodate and the food you would feel
comfortable giving. Could you feed live insects to a
reptile, or a dead mouse? Or is the most you could stomach
a salad?
Also consider the time you have available - not just right
now - but try your best to make predictions about the
future. Too many people buy a new pet reptile and end up
having to put it up for rehoming because a job promotion
means they don't have suitable time any more or they have
decided to start a family and a 2 meter long iguana isn't
the safest pet to have in the house with a young child.
The final thing from your perspective to think about is
what you would like from your new pet. Are you expecting
something you can safely handle on a regular basis? Or are
you looking for an animal to go in a breathtaking display
in your living room?
These factors alone will greatly help you reduce down the
number of potential species on your hotlist, and the fact
that you are new to keeping reptiles also means it would be
foolhardy to try and keep any of the more difficult to care
for species.
Once you have made a decision on the most likely animal for
you, the next step is to read up everything you can on it.
Find out the size and type of housing necessary.
Find out about what to feed and how often. Also find out
where you can get that food from locally to you.
If possible, visit discussion forums or local reptile
stores to ask questions to experts who can ensure you are
fully prepared for this exciting new responsibility.
Once you feel you have a reasonable grasp on the species
you are planning to keep it is a matter of buying and
setting up the housing so you can be sure everything is
working smoothly before you actually bring home your new
This includes the installation of heaters, lighting,
substrate and so on and monitoring it for a period of time
to ensure the temperature and humidity remain suitable for
your reptile.
When you are happy all this is place it is time to actually
buy your pet. Ensure you go to a reputable pet store or
specialist breeder for your animal - selecting one that is
captive bred rather than wild caught if at all possible.
Captive bred animals generally have fewer problems and so
make a better starter pet - not to mention not depleting
wild stocks of reptiles.
Ensure you choose a bright, healthy animal and allow him or
her suitable time to settle into their new home before you
start getting them out to play.
Lastly, ensure you find a local reptile-specialist vet so
that if you should have an emergency you know there is
someone you can call for professional help.
Our top recommendation right now for reptile care advice is
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