Teaching your parrot to speak can be a fun and easy task.
It's a very rewarding experience, and you'll enjoy your
bird's chattering and antics for years to come. Following a
few simple guidelines will get your parrot talking in no

Patience is key. This is the number one aspect to keep in
mind when training your parrot to talk. Birds don't take
well to change, so rushing them or forcing too many new
things on them at one time can cause great stress. It's
important to take things slowly and allow him to learn at
his own pace.

Food is a great motivator! Using positive reinforcement, in
the form of food treats, is an excellent way to encourage
your parrot to talk. There are various types of treats
available. Fruits are a favorite of parrots, as are leafy
greens, seeds, nuts, and fresh veggies. Not only are these
foods motivating, they're nutritionally sound as well!

Parrots love praise. Birds absolutely adore being praised
and preened. They're flock animals by nature, and you are
their flock leader. Using an excited tone of voice when
rewarding them for good behaviors, and never yell at them
or use a negative tone of voice.

Be respectful of space. Parrots are incredibly territorial
creatures. Keep in mind that their cage is their space, and
their toys are their possessions. It's important that your
bird not feel like you are violating their space. Try to
keep your hands out of the cage as much as possible. When
removing from the cage, it's better to coax them out of it,
rather than sticking your hands inside.

Keep him interested. Some birds have a short attention
span. If you find that your parrot does seem to be paying
attention to you for extended periods of time, try several
15 minute sessions in a single day, rather than hourly
sessions once per day. The same applies for any CDs or
programs that you may play when you're away... after a
certain amount of time, these will just become background
noise to your bird.

Don't lose heart! Making human sounds doesn't come easily
to birds. Their vocal chords are built differently than
ours, and it takes a bit of effort to get used to speaking
our language. It will happen! Don't give up. Keep at it!

Following these essential tips will ensure that your parrot
learns quickly, with little stress. You'll be astounded at
the rate at which your parrot will pick up on new words and
phrases, and you'll build a relationship to last a lifetime!

For all the most recent and practical information on
teaching your parrot to talk and general parrot training
visit http://www.easyparrottalk.com .

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