The Story of Our Feral Cats

Posted by myGPT Team | 6:43 AM | 0 comments »

My wife and I were in our back yard, when we noticed a Gray
striped cat laying on the far end of our yard, just
watching us. Beautiful cat, but a stray. Would not let us
get near her. I still believe this cat was domestic cat at
one time, but was put out to run wild. The cat would appear
on a daily basis. And being the soft hearted people we are,
started feeding her.

Around the end of May, she appeared with two of the cutest
kittens, one gray striped like her and the other a mix of
brown, black and gray. Momma Cat, as we named her, stayed
with her kittens around an oak tree in our backyard until
mid June.

One morning I looked out and saw the kittens in the patio
chairs. I looked and looked again at the gray kitten. My
heart again sank at what I saw. The kittens left eye was
completely swelled shut. I thought, "oh no dear God, not
again". Decision time. Do I let the kitten remain as he is
or do I catch him and take him to the vet. I decided, he
will suffer horribly if not treated.

So I decided to catch him and take him to the vet. Deep
down I knew what the final outcome would be. But I hoped
the vet had some magical cure for the kitten. I chased him
around the backyard for quite a while. I finally caught him
with a towel and placed him and the towel in our cat
carrier. In the process, he bite me in the finger.

Away to the vet we go. I had my finger wrapped to keep it
from bleeding. The wondeful lady vet looked at the kitten
and by her expression I knew it was not good.

She told me the eye would have to be removed. She said she
would do an exam on the kitten. I said go ahead, but I had
to go to the emergency room to get a Tetanus shot.

After I got a shot and my finger treated, I returned to the
vet for her opinion. Not good. She said the kitten might be
alright, but the quality of life would be not good. My
decision. As much as I disliked what I had to do, I
consented to have him put down.

I had a difficult time making that decision. To consent to
have an animal put to sleep really bothers me. So the vet
took the kitten and I went home, feeling like I had failed
to help this kitten.

Momma Cat and the remaining kitten remained in the backyard
until late August. By now the kitten was growing into a
beautiful cat. I named this kitten Zipper, as it was always
racing from here to anywhere at a fast speed.

I noticed Momma was getting rather heavy around the middle.
Then one day she appeared and was the thin Momma cat again.
We thought she must have had kittens, but not in our yard.
Around the first of September I looked out by the same oak
tree and behold, kittens!

At first glance I counted 3. After a second and third, the
count went to five. Five of the most adorable, pretty
kittens I have seen. One was black with white feet. Three
had shorter hair, like Momma and gray stripes like her.

The fifth had similiar markings but had long hair growing
out of its ears. Long whiskers and eyebrows. And long silky
fur all over. The tail was bushy. I think the father was a
Maine Coon cat. I said to myself, I wanted to keep this one
for a housecat.

We noticed Momma was spending less and less time with the
five kittens. She would leave for long periods of time and
let Zipper baby sit the kittens. Then one day in late
September, she disappeared. We have not seen her again. It
is as though she decided the five kittens would be taken
care of with us, and she just left. Maybe she could not
handle motherhood anymore.

The kittens were living under the covered grill on the
patio. When they slept, they all cuddled up together in a
circle. It was so beautiful to behold. We decided the
kittens had to be taken care of.

Our daughter and I caught all five one morning and she took
them to an animal shelter, thinking she could drop them off
and they would handle adopting them out. Not so! The
kittens had to be 2 pounds and had to be socialized.

Kittens born outside are not socialized. Our daughter took
them home and put them into her office. She and her friend
spent the next month calming the kittens down to a point
where she could pick them up and pet them. They loved it.
Purred and cuddled up in her arms and climbed around her

She then took them back to the shelter for adoption. A lady
from our town did take the Black one and one Gray one. Back
to three. The remaining three were named Gigi, Gabby and
Gisele. Gisele being the one with long hair.

Then they got very sick. Gisele being the worst. Our
daughter and her friend nursed them back to full health.
Gave them medication and loads of Love.

Thankgiving was the return of the three remaining kittens,
Gigi, Gabby and Gisele. We had all three for about two
weeks. With three very active kittens, the house was in
constant disarray. We called our daughter and asked if her
friend was still interested in two of the kittens.

Much to her and our delight, her friend wanted the two
kittens. She picked them up and delivered them to her
friend. She told us the kittens now sleep on her friends
bed with he and his wife.

We adopted our beautiful baby, Gisele. Our hearts went
immediately to this precious cat. For me, it was the most
cherished gift for Christmas I have received in a long
time. She has helped fill the void in my heart when I had
to put Bachy, our Morris type cat, to sleep.

And the Zipper cat and I became very close. She stayed
close to the house and was still outside. Everyday I would
pet Zipper and she gave me little kisses on my fingers and
nose. She also has a part of my heart. I was able to catch
her and took her to the vet to be sure her health was
alright. By spending day after day, talking to her and her
allowing me to pet her and show her I truly loved her, she
become a very devoted house cat.

We renamed her Lissete, as she is a beautiful, delicate
cat, much like her mother.

We had both cats spayed and all the required shots. They
have no desire to go outside again.

With time and patience we were able to socialize 6 feral
kittens and place them in homes where the pet lovers care
for and love them.

Through the gift of the two cats, I am dealing with the
deep sense of loss I had of Bach, our housecat of 14 years.

I have such a feeling of responsiblity of caring for this
animals and want nothing harm them. It is difficult to
explain to anyone. I pray I am doing what is best for these
cats. I take it a day at a time.

- Alan Grundemeier

From Alan. Are you feeling increasingly frustrated and
angry about your cat's behavior? Do you spend more time
loving your cat and less time disciplining you pet. Learn
more about why your cat is acting in a certain way,
available at:=>

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