Running a business from home requires discipline in itself
as it is so easy to get distracted when working in your own
home environment. The last thing I needed was a puppy
asking me to play with it or to go for a walk every hour,
so I needed to develop a routine for my dog as soon as
When I got my latest dog Zoe as a 7 week old puppy, I felt
it was important to start the puppy training and get her
into a routine at an early age to ensure that she got the
attention and exercise that she needed and I was able to
carry on with my own work without many interruptions.
I am an early riser and like to put in 2 - 3 hours work
online before breakfast, Zoe on the other hand likes to
sleep in, so it suited me fine that she preferred to stay
in her bed until breakfast time.
Being a Jack Russell Terrier, Zoe has boundless energy and
I planned on walking her twice a day. So, immediately
after breakfast we got into the routine of going for our
first walk of the day. Whilst this keeps my blood
circulating and gives my eyes a break from the computer it
gives Zoe a good start to the day.
I use a 15 foot retractable lead which gives Zoe quite a
lot of freedom on her walks and in the area I live there
are places where I can safely take her off the lead so she
can have a good run around. She does not wander far and
will immediately stand still when I say the word "wait".
When we get back home she is happy and content and as she
has the run of the front garden and the house she is in and
out for the rest of the morning doing her own thing, such
as chasing lizards in the garden, guarding the house or
just basking in the sun. She will pop into my study every
now and again just to say hello and to let me know she is
still around.
From the day I got Zoe, I have always set aside about 30
minutes after my lunch and supper for what I term quality
play time. I played more frequently with Zoe when she was
a puppy but for shorter periods of time. She really looks
forward to this and as I am finishing up in the kitchen she
will bring her favorite toy for a game of tug-of-war!
Once I say "back to work now" she is quite happy to stop
playing and let me return to my study.
Just before 4pm every day she will come into the study to
remind me that it is time for our second walk of the day.
This is usually a long walk and on the way home we stop in
to see my mother where Zoe gets a biscuit! Her inner
clock is extremely accurate and at exactly 5pm she will
come to me and lick her lips as if to say "can we please go
home now so I can have my supper".
Once again she is content to do her own thing until I have
had my supper and she will remind me that it is time for
another game of tug-of- war by bringing her favorite toy to
the kitchen.
Whilst I spend a couple of hours on the computer in the
evening she usually sleeps under my desk until I tell her
it is bed time. She then races down the passage to the
bedroom with another special toy and sits beside it waiting
patiently for her two bed-time biscuits.
I also made a point of taking Zoe in the car from a very
young age and now she loves to go for a ride and I just
have to say the words "shall we go in the car" and she will
run off and sit beside the car door ready for me to put her
harness on so she can sit on her specially covered part of
the seat in the back, with a short leash attached to her
harness and secured so she cannot fall off the seat or be
thrown around the car in the event of sharp braking.
The daily routine works well for us both in that it keeps
us both exercised, Zoe rarely gets bored, it allows me to
run my home business without unnecessary interruptions, and
she is content and knows what the day holds for her.
It may take time to get the routine established but they
adapt very quickly to those parts of the day when they get
your full attention and become resigned to the fact that
that is not going to happen all day long.
I enrolled her at a puppy school at a dog training center
close by when she was 4 months old and continued to train
her at home. I stuck to the daily routine as rigidly as
possible so now she knows exactly what the day holds for
her and she is happy and such a pleasure to have around as
well as being a great companion.
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