There is a growing interest in taking a natural or holistic
approach to healthcare, both for people and animals. Many
pet owners are now actively seeking out natural remedies
and products for both preventative care, and the treatment
of certain conditions.

Natural supplements and remedies are often a safe, and
affordable addition to your puppy care routine, and don't
have the potential side-effects of some conventional
medications. Obviously, there needs to be a balance between
conventional veterinary care and the use of natural
remedies, but when you are able to take the best of both
worlds, and use them in a complementary way, you can be
sure your puppy is reaping the benefits.

The benefits of natural pet care for your puppy include :

Better Overall Health - many common dog ailments, such as
digestive disorders and allergies, can be prevented or
significantly reduced.

Longer Lifespan - due to better health and a stronger
immune system

Improved Healing - your pup will heal faster after sickness
or injury due to a stronger, healthier body.

Better Quality of Life - a natural approach to pet health
care includes treating all the factors (environmental,
behavioral, nutritional etc) that lead to ill health. By
treating the causes and not just the symptoms, your pup
will be happier as well as healthier.

Natural Dog Food

Your new puppy is growing at a phenomenal rate, and the
nutrition he receives during this critical growth period
has a huge impact on his future health and well-being. Good
nutrition is the cornerstone of good health.

Natural, holistic or organic dog foods can provide your
growing puppy with optimum nutrition. Many are made from
human-grade ingredients, and are free from hormones,
chemicals, additives and other 'undesirables'.

Feeding a natural diet (and that could include a raw diet,
or BARF), helps to strengthen your puppys' immune system,
reduce the incidence of allergies, and research has shown
that it can also help your pup live a longer life.

Some of the most popular names in natural dog food include
Innova, Solid Gold and Canidae. Online stores often have a
wide selection of natural and organic dog food that you can
order from the comfort of your own home.

Natural Remedies for Dogs

Although professional veterinary care is absolutely
essential to the health of your new puppy, there are often
situations where a natural supplement or remedy can be very
effective. This is particularly true in the area of natural
preventative care.

Many puppies have digestive issues, and constipation,
flatulence and loose stools are common puppy problems.
Feeding a natural puppy food is an important part of
preventing these sorts of issues, and there's a good
selection of food supplements you can use to prevent/treat
specific problems.

Natural laxatives, pro-biotics, digestive tonics and other
products can be very helpful for a puppy who has tummy
troubles. They help to restore a healthy balance to the
digestive system and can counteract some of the factors
such stress, pollution and toxins that cause problems.

Another common puppy problem, and one that seems to be
increasing, is allergies. Many dogs suffer from allergies
of one sort or another, some are sensitive or allergic to
ingredients in their food, others to environmental or
seasonal triggers or parasites such as fleas. Whether the
increase is due to their growing exposure to chemicals,
pollution and toxins in the environment, or to immune
systems which are weakened due to over-vaccination, poor
nutrition, or excessive use of medications, the results are
the same.

Medications such as anti-histamines can supress allergy
symptoms, but natural remedies actually target the
imbalances/weaknesses at the root of the problem. Holistic
blends of natural vitamins, herbs, and other ingredients
can help keep your pups' immune system functioning at
optimum level. Soothing herbal salves and ointments can
help relieve constant scratching, and food supplements can
help keep your dogs' coat and skin healthy and supple.

Anxiety, fear and general nervousness are also fairly
common puppy behavioral issues. From separation anxiety, to
submissive urination and situational stressors such as
thunderstorms or car travel, at some time or other your
puppy may need something that will help reduce his anxiety

Sedative medications have a place in the treatment of
anxiety disorders, but many times a natural remedy is both
gentle and effective in reducing fear, stress and anxiety -
without the side effects of some medications.

There's a whole range of products to choose from in this
category - Flower Remedy essences, pheremone-based sprays
and diffusers, dietary supplements and more.

There's no reason for your little guy to be cowering in the
corner during thunderstorms, or shaking like a leaf on your
road trips, when gentle, calming relief is so easy to find.

All dog owners know that there are some pesky critters who
can cause your pup to be miserable - they're called fleas!
Fleas aren't just annoying, they can cause disease,
allergies and a whole lot of trouble. There are some very
effective flea preventatives, but they do contain harsh
chemicals, and often can't be used on young puppies.
Natural remedies provide a kinder alternative, and can be
very effective when used correctly. There are products that
you can dust/spray on your pet, and others that can be
ingested. You can also find homeopathic or herbal products
to prevent/treat roundworms, tapeworms and other intestinal

Both puppies and older dogs can experience muscle or joint
problems, especially the large/giant breeds. A natural
diet, and the use of a natural supplement which promotes
joint/muscle health can improve strength and flexibility
and prevent a lot of problems.

All puppy owners want the very best for their new 'babies',
and as the old saying goes 'an ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of cure'. By using a combination of natural
remedies and health care options, in addition to the
routine veterinary care that your puppy needs, you will be
giving him the very best chance of a long, happy and health
life. Isn't that good to know?

You can learn more about natural remedies for dogs, and
find all the tips, information and advice you need to raise
a happy, healthy puppy at Puppies are our passion!

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