If you have had your pet for quite some time, expecting a
baby could bring out behaviors you have never seen your pet
exhibit. Normally an exciting time for parents, your pet
may not share your happiness about your new baby. Sometimes
pets tend to feel left out or set aside by the new baby.
They do not always understand that a new baby is something
mom and dad have been looking forward to. It is important
to help your pet accept and adjust to the changes about to
occur in their home.

Smells Are Essential

Almost all pets, dogs and cats especially, are driven by
smells. Your house smells a certain way to them, and when
someone new is brought in, they notice the new smell almost
immediately. You can ease the transition by introducing
baby smells into your home before the baby comes home. All
common baby household items such as baby powder and diapers
have scents which your pet may need to learn.

When your baby is born and you are recovering in the
hospital, ask the hospital staff if you can take one of
your baby's used receiving blankets home for your pet to
smell. If you place this near the pet's feeding dish, you
will help him associate the smell of the baby with eating,
one of his favorite activities. Do not let it become part
of the pet's bed, though, because you do not want your pet
claiming the crib or baby carrier as sleeping space as well.

Positive First Encounter

The day you bring baby home from the hospital, be sure you
greet your pet as you normally would, just without too much
excitement. Perhaps you can leave the baby in the car with
another parent while you say hi to your pet. Then, bring
the baby in and calmly introduce them. Do let your pet
smell and look at your baby, but do not let your pet jump
towards your baby or lick her face. If your pet tends to
get excited in new situations, consider having her
restrained when you have this first meeting.

Watch Carefully

You will need to watch carefully for the first several
months for any signs of aggression towards the new baby on
the part of your pet. Some pets are very concerned when
your baby cries and some pets are completely indifferent to
your newest addition. These are fine reactions, but a pet
that begins to show fear or aggression needs to be dealt
with. Your vet may have suggestions for training methods to
help ease your pet's transition. Your baby and pet should
never be left alone together because your pet could be

Once your new baby and pet have established a good
relationship, you will have wonderful opportunities to do
things like take walks as a family. Remember to be patient
with your pet since a new baby is a big change not only for
you but for your pet.

David Cummings is a devoted family member and a regular
author on parenting and family topics. He is dedicated to
helping other parents create quality time with their
families and to assist children-based organizations put a
smile on every child's face. David also manages the
Bustling Baby website => http://BustlingBaby.com

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