A day in the life of a dogwalker

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I always refer to my old office job as 'when I had a real
job', because although dog walking is hard work, it has
given me such an amazing life. Spending my days with four
legged creatures instead of two has given me such happiness
and sense of purpose, that I will always believe the canine
to be the best company a girl can have!

My day starts with training 2 3month old Rottweilers called
Coco and Channel. They stayed with me while I house-trained
them, which takes roughly two weeks. Now when I go to their
owner's house to collect them for class, it is like being
welcomed by a long lost friend! There are always kisses and
cuddles before the work begins!

My first walk is with two Labs, a Hungarian Vizsla, a
Norfolk Terrier, a Cairn Terrier and a beautiful Dachshund.
They are all old friends now as I have had this walk for
over 2 years. Every pick up I am greeted with extreme
pleasure, as I am the key to their enjoyment for the day.
They all love the park, but more than this they love being
part of a social pack. Dogs, as we know are pack animals
and being part of a dog walkers round gives them such a
release and enjoyment. It can also iron out any social
behavioural problems a dog is having.

Lunchtime and my training session starts with Rocky a
9month old Maltese, who will not stop barking!!! He lives
up to his name and not his size barking at dogs, people,
sticks, trees, basically everything he comes into contact
with! I have been working with him for 2 weeks and already
the improvement is undeniable. I tell the clients he has
what I call 'Tom Cruise syndrome'; he overcompensates
because of his small stature! He will join the pack next
week, which should alleviate most of his anxieties

My second round is another mix of breeds, which includes
the famous Kensington Puggles. (a Pug beagle cross). People
have stopped cars on Kensington High street to find out the
breed of these dogs, they are that cute! Tonight the
Puggles and Tasha, my King Charles will be coming to stay
with me for two weeks while their owners are away. The dogs
always have as good a holiday as the owners do!

My life as a dogwalker is hard physical work. As a trainer
I have been bitten, scratched and had damage to both of my
knees from restraining and retraining dogs. This aside, I
believe it was what I was born to do. I love all of my dogs
as if they were my own and they are all so happy to be able
to play with eachother, it makes everything worth while. As
the great George Orwell wrote 'four legs good, two legs
bad', which are my sentiments exactly when it comes to any
working environment!!

Tracey Egan offers dog walking services in London. As well
as dog walking, she also provides puppy and behavioural
training. Visit http://www.preciouspooch.co.uk for more

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