Talk Gerbil Talk

Posted by myGPT Team | 2:00 PM | 0 comments »

OK OK ... gerbils don't talk. There are some ways of
telling certain things though. If you are aware of these
things, you will be able to give them the best care you
can. Become familiar with gerbil noises. If your gerbils
are squeaking, it's usually not a good thing. They squeak
to tell each other off. Have you ever heard a gerbil
chirp? Gerbils talk to each other by chirping. You might
even think you have birds in the house when you hear them
chirp. Clicking noises probably mean your gerbil has a
respiratory infection which you will have to deal with
right away.

You might notice your gerbil vibrating when you hold and
pet it. Yes, this is like a cat purring, your gerbil is
happy when he does this. It won't make any sound; you'll
just feel the vibrating. Have you seen and heard tapping
noises? This can be a mating sound or a warning of danger
and is caused when they thump their hind feet. If many
gerbils are thumping, that is them trying to warn each
other, if it is only one is thumping, the gerbil is
sexually excited. If they are patting their feet
frequently, you need to see what could be scaring your
gerbil and fix the situation.

If you can determine whether your gerbil is stressed or
content, you can take the proper action required. A
stressed gerbil could get sick. Pay attention to the
different gerbil noises, it is very important to be able to
talk the gerbil talk. You might end up saving your gerbils
life if you can do this. If you can't ... how will you
know if they are playing or fighting? Hurting or happy?
You must be alert to your gerbils needs and the only way to
do that is to know what they are saying.

Gerbil behavior will tell signs too. If you see your
gerbil licking the side of the tank, check the water.
Gerbils even wink; this is usually a good sign. Haven't
seen your gerbils wink? Try winking at them, they just
might wink back. Also try talking to your gerbils. That
will help them get used to you and assist in the taming

As long as you don't ignore your gerbils, you will learn
all the little quirky ways they communicate with each other
and with you. So pay attention, get amused, educated and
have loads of fun!

For more great info please

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