A little research on the internet about teaching a parrot
to talk will reveal a fair bit of information. The trouble
is that a lot of it is complete baloney and some of it
would probably ensure that you would be doing exactly the
wrong things and using the wrong methods entirely to train
your parrot. Seriously, if you read some of the rubbish
out there that supposedly teaches you about how to teach
your parrot to talk, you're going to end up with a
seriously frustrated and anxious parrot! Not to mention
that you'll probably end up believing that your parrot will
never utter a word and that training a parrot is beyond you.

Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. Teaching
a parrot to talk can not only be very easy, but also a lot
of fun!

Let's dispel a few myths that are out there so that you can
avoid some of the most common mistakes when training your

Parrot Training Myth 1) - Make a tape recording of your
voice repeating a phrase over and over again and leave it
in the room with the parrot...... WRONG! Parrot Training
Myth 2) - Spend hours at a time repeating a word or phrase
over and over again..... WRONG!

Parrot Training Myth 3) - Talk in a 'parrot type voice'
when talking to your parrot.... WRONG!

Parrot Training Myth 4) - Use any word when teaching your
parrot to speak.......WRONG!

Parrot Training Myth 5) - Whistle and play tunes to your
bird as well as talk to it.....WRONG!

Parrot Training Myth 6) - Have your teaching sessions as
and when you want throughout the day..... WRONG!

Parrot Training Myth 7) - You can buy an already talking
parrot and it will talk for you..... WRONG!

As you can see there are many ideas and notions out there
on how you should go about teaching your parrot to speak,
not all necessarily correct,and unless you begin and follow
through in a precise and systematic way you, or most
probably your parrot, may well have a negative reaction to
the whole experience.

Teaching your parrot to talk though can be a
straightforward process which, once you know the right
steps and apply them, will have you bird chatting away
quickly and happily.

There are two key starting points in getting your parrot to
talk. The first is to have a good relationship with it. A
bird that is frightened or not looked after properly will
either keep quiet so as not to be noticed or scream all day
to get attention because it is feeling lonely. So ensure
you have built a good, trusting relationship otherwise you
will be wasting your time. The second most important point
is praise. Everyone enjoys receiving praise and you parrot
is no different. Save your praise for when the parrot gets
the words right, as too much of a good thing loses its
value. Praise can be as simple as making eye contact and
saying 'Good Bird'. Parrots love attention, so use this to
your advantage.

Teaching your parrot to speak doesn't have to be difficult
and it can be an extremely rewarding and fun experience for
both you and your parrot. You will also be helping you
parrot as training your parrot is essential. Parrots are
extremely intelligent birds and require stimulation as well
as behavioral training in order to develop and grow in a
positive and healthy way. So not only will you have a
healthy and happy parrot, your enjoyment of your pet will
reach a whole new level!

If you would like additional practical information on how
to teach your parrot to talk, including instructional
videos, then please visit http://www.easyparrottalk.com/

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  1. Anonymous // July 2, 2010 at 9:43 AM  

    Exposing your parrot to the TV is also a good idea, and since there are many channels to choose from, parrot will have endless supply of words to store in their memory
    meyers parrot

  2. alokseow // September 10, 2010 at 5:16 PM  

    Parrots have a great learning skills..so teach them!!!!!!!!
    Puppies in Florida