Dogs have always been a great companion to man. They are
there for us when we get home and will love us
unconditionally. However, for some more work is required to
build this peaceful relationship, and each must adjust to
their new environment. If you want to make the most out of
your pet you should be aware that it will take some time to
train your dog as best as possible.

Many people do not believe in behavior dog training, but it
is extremely important. When a dog comes into your house it
does not know about the rules, what it should and should
not do. You need to teach it how to live happily, and to do
so you must train it. Training your dog can often be a
frustrating process, but this is usually down to the fact
that people make many mistakes when training their dog.
Learn to avoid these and you will find the training process
a lot easier.

You have probably read many tips in books or on the
internet about training your dog. If you are trying to
change behavior of your dog, you may be trying certain
recommended steps, but are they working? You might be
frustrated to learn that after a week or so they are only
making the problem worse. But remember, it is completely
possible and all you need to do is recognize the mistakes
you are making.

Behavior training will actually vary depending on the breed
of your dog. Different breeds have different traits. Some
may not be good followers and may be born to lead. You need
to be careful if this is true, as you will need to change
the process to make their training successful. There are
also many different training styles, and these will work on
some dogs but not on others. So, before you start make sure
you understand your dog's breed and the appropriate style
of training to use.

Whatever the breed of dog, try not to be too controlling.
You are the leader, and dogs in packs respond to one
leader. However, this doesn't mean you should be completely
controlling. Don't make your dog keep repeating the same
mistake over and over. It may become aggressive or
unwilling to continue. Instead, take a break from training
when this is appropriate. You could try training for a few
minutes at a time every day.

Remember that reward is a central part to training your
dog. You should provide treats for your dog, to show your
affection as well as to motivate them in to performing well
in order to win a treat. They will soon learn what leads to
treats and start performing better. Treats do not
necessarily have to be food, so you could give them a
favorite toy to play with as a reward. Also remember to
tell your dog that they have been good and give them a nice
pat too! Once you bear these factors in mind you will start
to see great improvements when training your pet.

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