Bird watching and wild bird feeding has become a
fascinating and enjoyable pastime for many people around
the world. We love watching the variety of birds visiting
our homes and yards. If you are interested in setting up
bird feeding stations around your home there are some
things you need to know about different species and their
feeding habits as well as the different types of bird
feeders available. Sunflower seed bird feeders come in
many forms which serve different purposes.

The Caged Triple Tube Bird Feeder can not only be used for
feeding sunflower seed but can be used for feeding three
different types of seed at once. The tube parts of the
feeder that hold the seed are fitted with metal ports (on
the quality tube feeders) that will help stop house
sparrows from raiding your feeder. Also the cage around
the tubes keeps your feed safe from the larger birds like
Jays and Grackles and keeps the squirrels out too. Single
Tube Caged Bird Feeders are also available if you want to
feed only sunflower or one type of seed.

These tube feeders are loved by Chickadees, Evening
Grosbeaks, Titmice, Nuthatches, Jays, House Finches, Purple
Finches, Redpolls, Woodpeckers and Cardinals. If you want
to restrict their use to smaller birds use a tube feeder
without a tray. If you use one without perches you will
restrict the feeder use to only species that can cling like
finches, chickadees, nuthatches, titmice and small

There are sunflower seed bird feeders that are constructed
of wire mesh also. These sturdy feeders are squirrel
resistant because they are made entirely of metal. No
plastic and no wood. Some of them hold as much as 6 pounds
of sunflower seed! There are several different designs of
wire mesh feeders, some with perch rings and trays and some

So the first thing you need to do when deciding on which
types of feeders to use for your bird feeding station is to
decide which species you want to attract to your yard. If
you don't know what birds live near you, check with your
local Audubon Society. They should have a list of birds
for your specific area.

Read up on the wild birds that live in your neck of the
woods, or grasslands, or desert, or even in your city, and
decide which species you want to watch, close up. Many
songbirds prefer sunflower seed because of its high fat
content. Sunflower seed bird feeders take advantage of
this, offering you the biggest bang for your buck
considering the number of different wild birds that will be
attracted to these feeders.

In conclusion, having the right bird feeders and mounting
them in the proper locations is essential for attracting
the species you want to observe to your backyard.
Sunflower seed bird feeders will attract a large variety of
birds and should be one of your first choices for your
feeding station. You will probably want to add other types
of feeders to your yard also because the greater the
variety, the more different species of birds you will

Larry Jordan has been bird watching for many years and
building birdhouses for over 26 years. For more information
on bird watching, bird houses, feeding wild birds, birds in
the news, bird conservation, and some great bird photos go
to and sign up for his
newsletter or his RSS Feed.
For quality birding products visit his online store at for some great deals and great

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