Everyone loves a talking parrot. How could you not? They're
an endless source of entertainment, and training your
parrot to speak is a rewarding accomplishment. It can be
difficult to get started, but once you get going, the
options are limitless! It may seem impossible, at first, to
teach your parrot to talk. Don't lose hope! There is a
simple way to encourage your parrot to speak: bribes!

No, you can't bribe your parrot in the traditional sense of
the word. They won't be swayed by promises to take them out
later or monetary rewards. However, there is a powerful
tool available that will convince them to talk every
time—treats. Food is a major motivator for parrots,
and you can use this to your advantage when training.

Positive reinforcement is very important when training any
animal, especially parrots. Building a trusting
relationship with your bird takes time and patience.
Raising your voice, banging on the cage, or physical
punishment of any kind will break the trust that your
parrot has in you, and you may never gain it again. Be
gentle, and offer rewards for positive behaviors.

Once your bird has begun to mimic sounds during your
training sessions, be sure to give them a treat each time.
Even if you cannot understand what word they are trying to
say, it's critical that you praise them. This shows the
parrot that you like this behavior, and it will encourage
them to continue. You'll notice that your parrot will start
to "practice" its speech. Any time that you hear this, even
if it's not during a training session, praise your bird and
offer it a treat.

Many foods can be used as rewards for speech. A particular
favorite among smaller birds are sunflower seeds. Millet
spray is a popular treat, as are fruits, vegetables, and
leafy greens. Each parrot has a distinct personality, and
not all of them will like the same types of foods.
Experiment with different seeds, fruits, and vegetables to
find out what your parrot enjoys. Offering them pieces of
apples won't yield very good results if they prefer
oranges. Be sure that you are knowledgeable about what is
safe for birds to eat and what is not before trying new

Parrots love to please. If you consistently offer praise
and rewards to your parrot each time they attempt human
language, you'll not only teach them to speak effectively,
you'll continue to build a trusting and loving
relationship. Rewards work wonders!

For all the most recent and practical information on
teaching your parrot to talk and general parrot training
visit http://www.easyparrottalk.com .

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