When, Where and How to Bathe Your Dog

Posted by myGPT Team | 3:09 AM | 0 comments »

Have you ever noticed your dog loves almost everything you
want to do with him? There is one time that most dogs do
not want to be noticed by you, and that is when they need a
bath. Suddenly your sweet, easy going happy puppy turns
into a big baby. Here are a few bath time tips to try and
make it less stressful.


Use your judgment and common sense. If he looks feels or
smells dirty, then the time is now.

Basically a minimum of 3 or 4 baths a year for a clean,
indoor apartment dwelling dog is sufficient. Obviously many
more baths are needed for your outdoor, active or working

Regular brushing helps with removing dead hair, distribute
natural oils and removes dirt. This alone helps decrease
the amount of dog baths necessary. A good brush,
appropriate for your dog's size and fur type, will give you
and your pet a special time of bonding, and he will be so
ecstatic and much more appreciative of time spent together.
Dogs will always prefer this over a bath anytime


Do not bathe your dog outdoors in cold winter climates.
Using the proper dog shampoo and tepid to warm water, bathe
your dog in the utility tub, a small basin or your bath
tub, depending on your dog's size.

When done, make sure your dog is completely dry before
allowing them to go out in cold weather.

In the warm summer time I bathe my dogs outside and let the
heat of the sun dry them. They can run and shake, and take
a nice warm sun bath.


Make sure your dog's coat is combed and all the mats and
knots are removed. These will only become more difficult
to remove after they are wet.

Also, make sure that you have a calm environment for bath
time. You don't want the kid's fighting and crying, stress
from yourself and a rushed, hurried attitude. Most dogs
don't enjoy baths, but will tolerate them if you are
relaxed and gentle.

Make sure if using the tub, that your have a non slip mat
down so your dog feels secure.

I use a shower head and long hose that is just perfect so
my labs can stand up and I am comfortable also. If you
don't have this, use a large pitcher (plastic) to wet and
rinse with. Wash the face first with a wet cloth, without
soap. Some people put cotton balls in the ears for
protection, and if it makes you more comfortable, do so.
Just don't forget to take them out after.

When the bath is finished try and get a towel or two ready
and try and cover them before the shaking begins. It is
inevitable that your will get wet anyway. Dry them as
much as possible by rubbing down with dry clean towels.

Some dogs enjoy getting blown dried with a hair dryer after
their baths, but if you do this, make sure you use the warm
setting, not hot. Keep the blow dryer moving at all times
so you don't burn the skin.

If you start the bath time routine from puppy hood, this
usually will just then become part of the dog's routine and
it won't be stressful. As most of us pet owners know, our
dogs can feel our moods, so make it a relaxing as possible,
so it doesn't become a struggle and unpleasant event every

Understanding your dog's behavior will increase the bond
between you and your dog. Taking care of your dog, and
giving him the best, whether it be the best nutrition, or
the best medical care or the best emotional connection will
make you and your pet both extremely content.
Check out my tips and dog information at:

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