One of the major explanations why numerous individuals on a
global basis have become infatuated by fish tanks is that
they can give you an easily attained basis of relief and
leisure for a small amount of your time, outlay and
exertion. Considering everything, what other hobby can give
you similar benefits that a fish tank can, over the same
period of time for similar expenditure?

One aspect that people tend to overlook is the necessity of
fish tank care so that the duty of the proper cleaning is
carried out to ensure a proper hygiene level which is an
essential for the health and wellbeing of your pet fish. If
you don't take the trouble to do this necessary cleaning
chore, you will be putting in danger and finish up having a
cloudy fish tank. There is no other factor that has a more
important effect and plays an essential part in ensuring
that your fish along with other aquatic animals and plants
maintain a high level of health and happiness which in turn
gives us the benefit of watching them for many years to

Over a period, black algae could form over the surface in
the tank and together with waisted food that builds up in
the sand at the foot of the aquarium will result in a
maintenance problem. The answer lies in tackling the
potential problem before it arises by employing the help of
algae-eaters and bottom-feeders such as catfish for
example. These help in your fight against debris building
up on the bottom and algae being allowed to get out of
control on the sides of the tank. There are particular
water creatures which fall into the category called
"scavengers" and they come in all shapes and sizes, from
tiny crabs to medium sized fish. Each one of these creature
serve a specific purpose and you need to make the correct
selection. The majority of them will feed on the black
algae etc and this helps you control it. You have to be
alert as to how the different varieties of fish react with
others, because the bigger ones tend to display aggressive
behavior and can even devour the little fish.

All this said, you will have to monitor the chemistry of
the water and replace perhaps 10% at any one time. Fish do
not like big changes and that is why it is recommended to
slowly replace it rather than all at once. This important
time spent on fish tank care will benefit you in the long
run and prevent problems such as black algae and having a
cloudy fish tank causing your fish to become unwell.

To find out more information about aquariums and other
related fish tank items have a look at the selection at

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  1. Anonymous // April 25, 2010 at 3:29 AM  

    I wished I'd had come across this article a couple of years ago when we had pet fish. Your article is very informative.

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