In this article "Dog Hot Spots: How to get rid of them
fast", I'll explore the causes of dog hot spots and suggest
how you can get rid of them.


Does your dog have the following symptoms?

· Licking, biting and chewing a spot on the skin endlessly.
· The spot suddenly increases in a matter of hours,
sometimes with pus inside.
· The sore may sometimes ooze pus or blood out.
· The hot spot loses hair.
· The sore smells funny.
· Your usually friendly hairball best friend is now bad
tempered and growls at you when you accidentally touch

If your dog has these symptoms and if the spot seems to
breed other spots like it, then your dog may be
experiencing what veterinarians call pyotraumatic
dermatitis, or hot spots. A dog hot spot is a very annoying
skin lesion that can grow rapidly if left untreated. These
infuriating nuisances on your little pooch are not only
making him or her suffer, it can also make your doggie
friend look like he or she has a contagious disease.


Here are 3 of the main causes of a dog hot spot:

1. Hot spots are usually seen in dogs that have furry coats
like Shih-Tzu's or Pomeranians because they are more
susceptible to get tangled and matted hair that causes
these irritating pyotraumatic dermatitis. Also, dogs with
long coats are more prone to have trapped dead hair inside
the skin which is also something that causes hot spots.

2. Dogs with allergic reactions to house dust, household
chemicals, commercial dog food and even plant pollen are
also vulnerable to hot spots.

3. Other dogs are just plain hyper and will end up biting,
licking and gnawing at themselves if left alone. This can
also cause hot spots to appear.


If you see that your loyal four-legged best friend has a
hot spot then you must act quickly. Below are steps you can
take to treat this horrible condition:

1. First of all, isolate the area by trimming the hair
around the sore itself to prevent the spreading of the
infection. Some find it easier to wipe away the fur if you
put some water-based jelly on the fur that you will trim
off. Trimming the hair around the spot not only makes it
easier to treat the spot, it will also lessen the cause of

2. Clean the sore well by using a mild antiseptic soap.
Thoroughly wash the area to make sure no residual soap is
left that can cause further irritation.

3. You need to dry out the sore so that it will not flame
up and have some pus in it. Do this by applying wet tea
bags on the sore.

4. A number of natural products have also proven to be very
effective against dog hot spots. Among these are witch
hazel and apple cider vinegar. Tepezcohuite, which forms
the foundation of one of my pet related products
(, has been found to be quite effective on
hot spots as well, so much so that we guarantee it's


In preventing hot spots, you need to address the causes of
course. So make sure you brush your furry friend's coat all
the time to avoid tangles, clean your home or the area
where your pooch loves to play regularly and give him or
her proper exercise so your doggie pal will not get
restless and mutilate his or her own skin.

So there you have it, some simple solutions to help get rid
of a dog hot spot. Your dog should be wagging his tail
again in no time!

Brandon Roe is the author of "The Official Dog Coat and
Skin Care Guide", a comprehensive guide to help you dog
maintain a beautiful and healthy coat and clear skin. Get
your FREE copy today at .
He is also the developer of K9 KlearUp, the worlds only pet
balm that helps clear up the 17 most common canine skin and
coat problems... Guaranteed or your money back.

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