Bred as a hunting dog the Labrador retriever has become
synonymous with the image of a faithful family pet
unreservedly loved and adored by owners around the world.
Blessed with bags of energy and a character that is both
loyal and loving it is unsurprising that Labs are so highly
thought of and coveted as family dogs.

It is little wonder that Labs are statistically one of the
most popular dog breeds with a huge proportion of North
American and European dog lovers being lab owners as well.
Its friendly, placid, bright, and bouncy good nature makes
it a wonderfully delightful companion as well as being
perfectly suited for other tasks outside the home such as
police work. Labs are also extensively used as assistance
dogs for the blind and also the physically handicapped.
Labradors are often used in rehab and therapy work as they
seem to be able to transmit their loving nature to any
human being.

Labs are tremendous swimmers and fittingly have an
otter-like tail. Their coat is grown in an interweave
pattern, making them ideally suited to spending time in the

And, as their name suggests, Labradors are excellent
retrievers and one of their surprisingly pleasant
attributes is the fact that they have extremely 'soft
mouths.' Apparently, a Lab is able to carry an egg in its
mouth without breaking it though I have to say if my Labs
got an egg in their mouth they would simply eat it. They
have capricious appetites!

In general Labs are not markedly prone to having some of
the negative traits found in some breeds. The aggression
and poor temperament associated with certain breeds are not
issues that will affect labradors.

Labrador retrievers are especially wonderful with children
because the Lab has an intense desire to not only please,
but its desire to play is almost equal with its desire to

Children can spend hours playing catch with a ball, or a
Frisbee, and the dog will appear to be tireless. As far as
a Lab is concerned 'more is best' and they never get bored
of playing or being with their human masters.

Labrador retrievers really enjoy being with children and
make great child minders! Kids will never be bored if
there is a Labrador in the house - and vice versa.

Labs, as a breed, are exceedingly intelligent making them
highly trainable though it is certainly true that they have
great independence and can be quite stubborn in their

Labrador retrievers are also immensely inquisitive,
investigative and dearly love company, and they will follow
both people and interesting scents for attention, food, and
sometimes just because they want to!

Unfortunately, because of their trusting and adventurous
nature Labs can often go walk about or be tempted away from
their homes. Because of their trusting nature and urge to
explore, Lab owners should ensure that their contact
information is recorded on the dogs disc and, if possible,
consider micro chipping the dog as an extra safeguard.

Labs are basically a healthy breed, though they are highly
prone to becoming overweight as they have a tremendous
talent for begging or finding food. But, like all dog
breeds, Labs are susceptible to certain conditions and they
can be prone to hip dysplasia, osteoarthritis and other
joint problems as well as suffering from diabetes.

Of course and dog, just like its human owner, can become
ill but Labrador retrievers really do tick all the boxes if
you are looking for the ideal pet for your family!

Craig Ellyard writes extensively for the the leading
independent online resource for Labrador owners. For more
information on all things Labrador please visit

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