So, the Obamas have finally added that new puppy to their
family, and his cute little face is staring at you from
every newspaper/magazine/website you come across and
suddenly you find yourself thinking "Aawww... he's so
sweet. I want one of those"

But wait.... just because the 'First Family' has one, it
doesn't mean YOU should! Every dog breed is different, with
different needs, behavior, and requirements - and every
home is different too.

Portuguese Water Dog puppies are adorable teddy bear
'look-alikes', and their lively and affectionate
personalities makes them very endearing. But before all
those cute photos in the media have you searching for a
breeder with a puppy to sell, it's a good idea to take a
few minutes to learn more about the breed, and figure out
whether it's the right 'fit' for you.

The Portuguese Water Dog is an old breed, know in it's
native land as Cao de Agua (literally meaning 'dog of the
water'). The ancestors of todays' PWDs played an important
role in their country's' fishing industry, and were used to
herd fish, retrieve lines/tackle, carry messages from boat
to boat or to shore, and act as guardians when protection
was needed.

A medium to large sized dog, an adult will measure anywhere
between 17 and 23 inches in height, and weigh between 35
and 60lbs. A female will usually be smaller/lighter than a
male, but both sexes should be solidly built and muscular.

This courageous, hardy and spirited dog still carries the
attributes of a working breed, and in spite of it's cuddly
looks, it is most definitely not a lap-dog. Portuguese
Water Dogs need lots of vigorous exercise and an active
lifestyle, but can be happy in an average-sized home/yard
if given plenty of opportunity to run and play on a daily

They bond closely with their owners and always want to be
by your side. This isn't an independent breed who can be
happy left alone for long periods inside or out, and your
Portuguese Water Dog pup will want (and need) to be an
integral part of your family's' life.

Outgoing, intelligent and eager to learn, Portuguese Water
Dogs make great obedience or agility dogs, and although
often considered too small to fill the 'service dog' role,
they can be great therapy dogs. Regular socialization and
obedience training are very important if you want your PWD
to grow up to be all that it can be.

Portuguese Water Dogs can make excellent family pets, and
their exuberance and energy levels make them a lot of fun
but they can sometimes 'play rough'. They're also known to
be a 'mouthy' breed, and may nip/bite more than usual.

Although consistent correction will eliminate the mouthing
and rough-housing, if you have very young children you may
want to take this into account. Generally this breed is
fine with other dogs, and can live alongside cats if
introduced to them early on.

Their tendency towards 'mouthiness' can also show up as
excessive chewing, and you'll need to make sure you have a
lot of very sturdy chew toys handy for your Portuguese
Water Dog puppy (or your home and belongings will suffer!).

The long wavy or curly hair that makes them so adorably
'shaggy', needs regular grooming and a daily brush or comb
is the best way to keep matts and tangles at bay. Regular
clipping or trimming is also recommended.

Portuguese Water Dogs have a single layer coat which is
very low-shedding and this means they are considered to be
a hypoallergenic breed. If you or your children have dog
hair allergies, this breed is less likely to trigger
symptoms. However, it's important to remember that
allergies vary greatly from person to person, and there's
no such thing as an 'allergy-free' dog breed.

It's best to spend some time around any breed you are
considering BEFORE buying a puppy, that way you can find
out exactly how you're affected by them.

If this breed sees a sudden growth in popularity, finding a
healthy puppy from a reputable breeder may become a bit
more difficult. Poor breeding practices fueled by the
prospect of a quick financial profit, have been responsible
for a decrease in the overall health and looks of many
breeds in the past.

If you decide that a Portuguese Water Dog is the one for
you, take the time to find a responsible breeder with dogs
who have been screened for potential genetic/hereditary
conditions, and who offers a health contract.

Some conditions that may be found in this breed, and for
which screening is available for breeding stock, include
Hip Dysplasia, GM1 Storage Disease, PRA (Progressive
Retinal Atrophy), and Juvenile Dilated Cardiomyopathy. If
the breeder you're talking to asks you a lot of questions,
that's a good sign... it means that she really cares about
the homes her puppies go to.

When it comes to the adoption v purchase issue, there are
some very strong feelings on both sides! There are
thousands of dogs in shelters and pounds all around the
country who are in desperate need of loving homes, and
they're almost always there through no fault of their own.

Adoption should always be considered when you're adding a
new puppy/dog to the family, even if you have your heart
set on a purebreed, because there are many purebred rescue

However, Portuguese Water Dogs are not in the same position
as, say, Labrador Retrievers. There simply isn't the same
number (or even close to it!) of puppies or dogs looking
for new homes as there is with the more popular and well
known breeds. Finding a Portuguese Water Dog breeder in
your area is going to be a challenge, and the chances of
finding a purebred PWD being in a local rescue center or
pound are very slim.

There may be mixed-breed pups who have Portuguese Water Dog
ancestry, and these will make just as wonderful a pet as
any purebred puppy - but, if you want a purebred pup who
can be registered, buying from a reputable breeder is
probably going to be your best option.

So, IS the Portuguese Water Dog right for your family and

.... If you've read this whole article and can honestly say
that you can provide a Portuguese Water Dog with a home
environment where it can thrive, the time and attention it
needs, AND you're still in love with that adorable
teddy-bear look, I wish you and your new best friend a long
and happy life together.

Learn more about the Portuguese Water Dog at
Author is a life-long dog lover, and owner and webmaster of , a website dedicated to
helping new puppy owners raise happy, healthy puppies.

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