There is nothing better to a dog owner than to see his pet
healthy, active and happy. A common reason for the
transformation of your dog from happy to sad is due to dog
scratching. Dogs just can't stand being uncomfortable. They
scratch every part they can possibly reach once that itchy
feeling comes their way. Dog scratching is something a dog
owner must address. It brings about much stress and trauma
to your dog, especially when dog cuts come about. The itchy
sensation makes the dog scratch and scratch, not being
aware that he is making the problem worse. Of course, all
he's thinking is, "Get rid of this irritating itch!".


A dog may appear active and playful, and yet be feeling
very sore. There are numerous reasons for the annoying dog
scratching problem. It is most likely because they have a
specific skin issue, such as dermatitis.

Dermatitis can be environmental, nutritional, parasitic,
infectious or bacterial. Now, what the dog owner must first
do is to contact a vet. As soon as it's noticed, the "dog
scratching" problem must be given your full attention, as
it may cause serious long-term skin problems if not dealt
with early. A dog owner must work hand in hand with his
vet, taking the full responsibility of relaying all the
necessary information about his dog. With the owner's
cooperation, the vet would be able to identify the possible


As soon as the cause of the dog scratching is identified,
the dog must be treated immediately. Of course, depending
on the specific cause, the owner must make changes in order
for the skin problem to fully heal. For instance, dog
scratching problems can happen to dogs that are allergic to
lawn grass (strange but true).

You may also want to consider products that specialize in
treating dog scratching. There are a variety out there but
one of the most effective ones I've ever seen contains the
Mayan traditional herb Tepezcohuite. (In fact, I was so
impressed with its natural abilities that I created an
all-natural dog balm called K9 KlearUp around this compound
- It's guaranteed to help clear up the
17 most common canine skin and coat problems).

So there you have it, some simple solutions to help get rid
of annoying dog scratching. Your dog will be wagging his
tail again in no time!

Brandon Roe is the author of "The Official Dog Coat and
Skin Care Guide", a comprehensive guide to help your pooch
maintain a beautiful and healthy skin. Get your FREE copy
now at .

He is also the developer of K9 KlearUp, the world's first
and only natural pet balm that helps clear up the 17 most
common canine skin and coat problems... Guaranteed or your
money back.

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